A Whisper Will Do

A Whisper Will Do

March 16, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch

Oftentimes, my husband speaks to me in a whisper so I’ll say, “What did you say?” Not because I didn’t hear him, I wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying. He not only repeats what he said, but he raises his voice a decibel louder. It’s hilarious – especially when I think the neighbors might hear him! Yikes!

And, sometimes when I am talking to God, waiting for His response – He often speaks in whispers, too! But I assure you this – God has a message for us – especially when we keep our ears open to His voice.

The photo here is one I treasure. I was in Cabo San Lucas, early in the morning, and found myself taking photos of the rock clefts at the ocean. God was whispering to me. I sensed His presence. I took this photo of me in the rock cleft and used it for a Christmas photo for my family.

Scripture records God’s whispered voice in 1 Kings 19 to the Prophet Elijah. Elijah’s experience with God took place after his public stand against the prophets of Baal. The Lord had shown himself to the people when Elijah’s altar was consumed by fire from heaven. Everyone witnessed the power of God, and the prophets of Baal were defeated and killed. But, when Jezebel threatened Elijah’s life, the prophet was afraid and fled into the hills.

Elijah traveled for forty days and ended up in a cave on Mount Sinai. When God wanted to whisper to his prophet, he had to take him to a place where he knew Elijah would listen.

What about us? God is whispering but we are so caught up in the news, our social media feed, and so many other distractions that we can’t hear Him.

In 1 Kings 19:11 Elijah was in a cave when an angel of the Lord came to him and said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord” (1 Kings 19:11). God wanted to speak a personal message to Elijah, meet his needs, and direct his path. He wanted Elijah’s undivided attention.

God still whispers his purpose and plans to his people today. When I go to the “cleft of the rock” – my sanctuary or my sweet spot (as I have recently written about in former blogs), I not only get a download from my Lord, I start seeing things differently. Especially those things that are blurring my God-vision.

Are we supposed to look for God in the news, the government, the storms? No. He wants us to seek His voice in the quiet. After the wind, the earthquake, and the fire, there was “the sound of a low whisper” (1 Kings 19:12). And, Elijah heard that whisper.

God’s words to Elijah were whispered because the prophet was close and listening. In that moment, nothing else mattered except hearing God’s quiet voice.

When God whispers to us, it is for our ears only. We should strain to catch every word. Our generation of faith is blessed to have access to His word every moment of every day. We can Google a verse or grab our Bible. We can find God there – in a whisper.

It’s time to go to the Cleft of our Rock! It’s time to draw close to Jesus and let His whisper His words to us. God still whispers His words to those who will listen. God’s whisper is His word to us. Let’s find our “cleft” today, then nestle in, draw close AND listen. Shhh! I think I hear His whispers right now!