A Woman Who Fears the Lord is to be Praised

January 4, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
This beautiful woman has been one of the sweetest, kindest, faith-filled women I have ever known. I’d love for you to know her too, so make sure you make it to heaven. That’s where she resides now. She went “home” on Saturday. This is Johnnie “Allene” Wheat, my brother’s precious wife. In my young eyes growing up, she was the “better half” of their duo. He was the firey, rambunctious one. She, the calm one. The most beautiful reward of their union is these three talented and equally faith-filled men! I was the “kid sister” (22 years difference). My big bro introduced me that way. I was a proud “kid sister”.

The claim-to-fame of my brother, Rocky, and Allene, his loving and devoted wife, was not my brother’s incredible baritone voice and music abilities or Allene’s gentle spirit, but it was their strength of character, faith, and integrity that they lived day by day. Their three boys picked up on that and they became men of great character and faith and today are all three pastors in churches here in Texas.

Richard, the middle son, talked about his Mom’s strength and faith. And Robert, the youngest son, continued to give his Mom beautiful accolades as he described how she survived and persevered in living her faith during her struggles of raising three high-energy boys. “Though she was 90 when she passed away, she was probably 120 emotionally because of us boys – but she got the years back when she had grandchildren (2 boys and 4 girls) who she adored.” Each one expressed their love and appreciation for their mother’s strong faith as the most important attribute of her life well lived. It was beautiful to see and hear Robert lead the grandchildren in a song of tribute to their mom and “nanna”: “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, oh my soul. Worship His holy name”.

Oldest granddaughter, Mandi, described her “Nanna’s” presence as “calming”. Jordan, the oldest grandson, said it was hearing his Nanna sing and praise the Lord that encouraged his own faith. John, the oldest son said, “My brothers and I were given the best gifts from our dad and mom. Our dad was our first music director and our mom was our first Bible and prayer teacher. “Nightly, she would go into each boy’s room and kneel by our beds, placing her hand on us and praying for us AND every one of our family members.” That kneeling will be a “forever” memory to all of us as John shared that after leaving his mom for just a short while on Saturday, her nurse, Tim, called him to return. When he returned Tim said, “I had been by to see her and when I came back she was kneeling by her bed. She passed away on her knees. John said, “She humbled herself to kneel to pray, and when she got up, she was standing in heaven.”

It was cold and raining, but many of us went to Allene’s graveside to hear the final words spoken: “ashes to ashes and dust to dust”. I knew we were standing on holy ground, because under the green carpet laid out on the graves that surrounded Allene’s casket were the resting places of the bodies of my Mom, Edna Pearl Wheat, my Dad, Roscoe Owen Wheat, Sr., my big brother, Roscoe Owen “Rocky” Wheat, Jr., and now my beautiful sister-in-law’s body resides there. Oh, but don’t think for a minute that any of those four live there! My two other sisters went home to heaven years ago. I’m the last one, the baby and the kid sister, still standing upright on this side of heaven. Yes, the family is going home. But the legacy lives on. I remember my brother’s casket being lowered there seven years ago. His young grandchildren then, like yesterday, saw a casket, an “envelope” as described by John, but Graci-Mei, the youngest granddaughter, age six, provided the reason for the composure. She said, “That’s just Papa’s skin – he’s not in there – he’s in heaven!” And now his bride’s skin is in that envelope…..but she is really where we all long to join her one day.

I continue to proclaim with the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:55 “Oh death, where is your victory? Oh grave, where is your sting?” With each loved one’s graduation, the thrill of heaven that awaits us gets sweeter and sweeter, and the reality is assured. The real “us” never dies….we live on because we gave our lives to Christ and trusted in His promises “….that all who believe in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16