Acts of Random Kindness aka ARK

November 6, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday, I joined with about 60 other volunteers from my church, to donate the fixin’s and make over 2,400 sandwiches for the homeless in downtown Dallas. The sandwiches, carrots and raisins were then taken to the “The Soup Mobile” which is a mobile soup kitchen that feeds and shelters the homeless in Dallas. Their Mission Statement are the three simple words of Christ to Peter, “Feed my sheep.” It felt so good to participate in a simple act of kindness to feed Christ’s precious sheep.

Jesus said, in Matthew 5:25, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

I remember the story of the starfish — we can’t help them all, but we can certainly make a difference one by one. That’s what God calls us to do – every day — at home and in places where we can help “save” a life!

After that time well spent, I stopped by Taco Bell for a quick drive-through lunch, placed my order and went to pay my $5.95 bill and the cashier said, “Your food was paid by the man in front of you. The lady in the car in front of him paid for his bill.” I wasn’t about to be outdone – I paid for his bill. We were paying it forward. Acts of Random Kindness aka ARK – those times when we just can’t help ourselves, we want to see kindness spread like wild fire.

I love seeing the generosity of people who do random acts of kindness — like that one who stops to help someone with a flat tire or who leaves a little “extra” tip for their waitress or simply rushes to open the door for others.

When we genuinely care about people, we find ourselves paying attention to what might be a blessing to them. As our love grows, the details of their lives become more and more important to us. It begins to really matter to us if they are sad or discouraged, struggling or in pain, needy or lonely. A sure sign that our concern for people is growing is when we find ourselves looking at people and thinking, “What would help her? What would help him? What does he need? What does she need?” We might even ask God, “How can I serve this person? How can I make his or her life easier?

A.R.K. — Acts of Random Kindness — Let’s start a flood of kindness!! The flood that comes from a simple Act of Random Kindness — caring and sharing from our bounty of blessings with others. What can we do to make someone’s life better each day? Maybe it’s just a hug or a smile…..randomly pay for someone’s meal….pay a compliment, offer to baby sit for a weary single parent, take someone a meal, wash someone’s car, send a card or make a phone call to encourage someone. There are so many little things we can do to help someone have a better day – that doesn’t cost anything.

Let’s TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS today……perhaps our kindness might just be what someone needs to change their dark world to light and bright!

Ephesians 4:31-32 “Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be KIND to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another…”