And He Gives Beauty for Ashes

August 8, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 214 of Photo Inspirations — And He Gives Beauty for Ashes
#TBT — Photos of the Previous Home’s Front Porch in Ashes and the New Front Porch in Beauty and Blessings.

At our Life Group Meeting last Tuesday night, Freda Gordon​, one of our precious members, reminded us that it had been 3 years, since the August 3rd-4th, 2012 devastating wild fires raged out of control in Mannford, OK — just a few miles west of Tulsa — where 400 families, including Freda, lost their homes. They called it a fire storm.  A fire storm is an intense and destructive fire in which strong currents of air are drawn into the blaze, making it burn more fiercely.

Freda’s husband of 43 years, had passed away just 3 months before and her grief was compounded by the unthinkable taking place — a fire that was so out of control, she was left homeless.

Before the fires made it to her home, Freda said that the Lord was telling her: “Get your stuff and follow Me.”  She obeyed that voice and retrieved her quilts and family pictures, a few papers, 3 or 4 days worth of clothes and then went to her daughter’s home in Jenks.  She said, “I am no hero and wasn’t waiting for it to go from bad to worse. Besides…the Lord was really nagging me to GO!!”  And she did.  Thank God, she heeded His voice and was able to get a few of her most precious treasures out.  She was still reeling from the death of her husband, and was in shock and disbelief at the loss and devastation all around her.

At that time, Freda could have retreated, gone under-cover (bed covers), and refused to carry on.  She could have allowed the ashes of depression and despondency to overtake her. But, instead, she refused to give up and her catastrophes turned into her blessings.  She was able to have a new home built in a new location where she has been such a blessing to her neighbors. The most beautiful part of her story — is that she didn’t let her past dicate her future.   She feels purpose, knows she was led to her present community, and is a blessing to everyone who knows her….including our Life Group, and ME.  What a blessing to know her and see the crown of beauty she wears — instead of the ashes, the oil of joy, instead of mourning, a garment of praise, instead of a spirit of despair.” Isaiah 61:3.

Without a doubt, Freda turned her sorrows into a beautiful, living witness of God’s grace and abiding love in the midst of the storm (fire storm, that is).  She is always encouraging others to “quit fighting it, and start living the life God intends for you to live.  It will be worth all of it.”  

Freda also says:  “We all have gone through “fire storms”. Maybe not in the literal sense like this, but we have all had those times that we feel we are being attacked from all sides and have no way out. God gives us an escape plan.”

I love that.  “God gives us an escape plan”.  Perhaps, today, you are reeling from storms or life situations that have devastated your world.  Take heart.  God has an escape plan for you.  He knows right where you are and His plans and purposes are to bring you to a safe place.  “For I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11