Are They Laughing at Your Dreams? Why Not?

August 18, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

Here is an acid test for your dream:
If most people agree with you that your dream is reasonable and achievable, chances are it is not worth dreaming about.

If, on the other hand, when you tell people your dream, they look at you like you are a case in the fruitcake sanitarium — a genuine “nut” case, then you are probably on the right track.

Let’s not be limited by an inability to see beyond our present circumstances. Let’s not be controlled by our senses.

Let’s not be hindered by those who never dream at all!!

We’ve got every reason to DREAM BIG!

So, come on DREAMERS…..let’s DREAM some outrageous, audacious, awe-inspiring, humongous dreams! And let’s get ready to celebrate together because “DREAMS DO COME TRUE”