Are You Living In YOUR Zone?

October 27, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

I love my Dallas Cowboys – have been a fan of theirs since the 1960s when they first became a franchise, but, otherwise, I’m not what you call an avid sports fan, unless the one that is playing happens to be one of my grandchildren, then I’m gung ho! I even have a t-shirt that says about my 13 year grandson “That’s my grandson OUT there!” On this trip to Austin, I said, “Oh, man! I forgot my t-shirt!” Brennan said, “Good!” I gave a pouty face and he said, “No, good, because you need to bling it out and put lights on it for the next time you wear it!” LOL! He certainly back-stroked for that quick thinking! LOL!

Have you ever been inspired as you watched an athlete play HIS GAME and you’d see him at his best, doing his best and having remarkable results? Commentators often say…”He’s sure in the zone, today!”

Being “in the zone” is when someone’s actions seem effortless, almost as if they could score at will — just a sweet spot where their confidence, talent and abilities produce winning results. I’ve seen that when my grandson is on his game – pitching no hit innings and when he batted, scoring 2-base to home runs. At times like that we know “He’s in his zone!”

The question is for those of us who are athletes or not…..”Are you living in your zone” — that moment when you enjoy and love what you are doing so much, and are so passionate about doing it, that you don’t even consider it a job or task or service project or ministry endeavor? It’s just that sweet spot of “living in your zone”.

I do my best to live that way. In fact, my blog is “Living in the Peace Zone”. I do my best to avoid conflict or even thinking about those things that represent negativity — thus I don’t watch too much news. My weekends are when I feel the most “in the zone” when I am attending church and/or serving in church and I thank God for His many blessings to me, but I also serve as a sponsor in a discipleship class, am a Christian Retreat team member and I attend Bible Studies and meet with other people who have a sincere desire to love and serve God . It’s my calling. I know it. A calling is when we are passionately using our God-given gifts in a way that pleases Him.

I know that when we find God’s purpose and destiny for our lives…we begin to feel “in the zone” — passionate about OUR GAME in life.

Have you discovered your calling? Are you living “in your zone”? If not, pray and ask God to help you find that sweet spot. In time, He’ll reveal it to you and you’ll soon be “living in your zone”!