Be Anxious for Nothing
“The Chosen” series, Season 4, Episode 7 portrays Jesus visiting sisters, Mary and Martha at their home. If you had to guess, you’d probably peg me as a Martha. Oh yes, I’d be that whirlwind, dusting every corner and probably running a small catering operation from my kitchen to serve the best meal ever.
I would have been busy for days getting my menu and my home perfected. But Mary was getting herself ready to sit at Jesus’ feet. Mary didn’t want to miss a single word that Jesus, the guest of honor, spoke.
“The Chosen” gave me a new perspective about that story. When Jesus addressed Martha about her busy-ness, He didn’t speak to her about her hospitality. He spoke loving words to His dear friend. He said, ‘Martha, you are ANXIOUS and WORRIED about MANY things. There is only the need for one thing.” (Luke 10:41)
Doesn’t that sound familiar? Anxiety and worry are like the uninvited guests at our own dinner party. Politics, violence, unemployment, and let’s not even start on the everyday stuff — kids, work, household chores, and those endless to-do lists. No wonder we’re glued to our phones, seeking distraction in the latest cat video or social media update.
But Jesus, the ultimate party planner, knows how to bring balance to our chaos. His gentle reminder to Martha is the same for us today: “There is only one thing needed.” And what’s that? Taking time to simply sit at His feet and listen to Him.
Imagine that. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, our great Balancer, inviting us to take a breather from our worrying and our busyness. He cared so much about Martha and cares so much about us that He continually provides gentle wisdom-filled correction on how to be His disciples.
Welcoming Jesus into our lives is what is most necessary. He reminded Martha, and you and me — “THE ONE THING that is necessary” – is to be His disciples, sitting at His feet.
Our relationship with Jesus is to give Him complete attention when we can. He doesn’t mind if we’re in the kitchen, the laundry room or at our desks. He cares about us, and He knows that He has the answer to all our concerns.
Sitting at the feet of Jesus for a while, sitting in His presence, fuels us with peace that passes understanding and joy that helps us laugh at the lies of the enemy. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus” and embracing the moments in His presence — a most needed thing!