Tag: luke 10:41

I Confess. I am a Martha-holic.

I love that gal so much. She speaks up and says what I’ve only wished I could say. I toil and am busy making sure everything is just right. I spend hours in the kitchen doing pre-event planning, cooking and baking and then the day of the event, I am the first to arrive and…

By Donna Wuerch April 27, 2019 Off

Oh, Well!

I sent a lengthy email to a friend, bearing my filled-with-concerns soul, but being the optimist soul that I am, I was pleased to add my resolutions to the concerns also. In reply, my friend said, “You are way too concerned about little things. Stop overthinking!” I needed that bold admonition. Truth and wise counsel…

By Donna Wuerch September 21, 2018 Off