Beam Me Up, Scotty!

August 18, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday I stopped by my children’s home and I saw this aluminum foil creation with a point on the top (and, of course, a bow to show it was designed with a woman in mind!). Alexia (my creative granddaughter) had made it the night before.

I’m not sure where her imagination was going to but immediately Star Trek came to mind and “Beam me up, Scotty!” Those words were used when the crew of the Enterprise “transponded” down onto an unexplored planet or, when things got out of hand, back up to the safety of the Enterprise as it continued to go where no one had gone before. Scotty was the engineer who operated the transponder and was responsible for those who were being sent out on a mission. Those being sent seemed to “atomize” before our eyes as they disappeared and then reappeared somewhere else.

Before I left to go home, Staci put the foil cap on me and she, Larry and I had a time of prayer for their ministry mission in Alvin, TX this weekend. We prayed for protection and an outpouring of God’s Spirit to the precious people in Alvin, many of whom lost their homes and businesses in Hurricane Harvey and are still recovering and trying to get their lives back again. Wearing the foil cap during prayer wasn’t in any way to spiritualize the cap which was rather funny, but then I started thinking about one day when my mission here is completed, I’ll say “Beam me up, Lord. Mission accomplished.”

In the meantime, we have on our helmets of salvation (Ephesians 6:17) which not only protects our minds, but we have Holy Spirit Who is always helping us to discern, understand and know God’s love and heart for us. “Beam me up, Lord”, is a way of saying “Lord, I’m keeping my mind off of so many distractions in my world. Beam me up to where you have a 30,000-foot view of all that is earthbound and temporary. Beam me up to trusting and believing in your ways that are so much higher than my ways. Beam me up to be conscious of my blessings instead of my worries and concerns.

God has given us so many “mission” tools that will help us successfully run our race and complete each assignment and mission He has given us until we’re beamed up to heaven. We have been equipped for great adventures and awesome explorations that have been deployed to us. God, our great navigator, and captain of our “Enterprise” ship, always has a plan for us to accomplish our mission. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I’ve heard some folks say “If I can just make through this old world to my mansion in the sky’. If that’s what life is all about, the minute we become a follower of Christ, God would beam us out of here. But, here’s the truth in this silly little aluminum cap story of mine. We are here for a purpose. We are not here just to take up space! God’s master plan is for us to live our life with excitement, enjoyment, determination, and zeal……and to fill that space with loving, caring and spreading God’s love everywhere and to everyone! With that mindset, when our time here has ended, we’ll know that we lived with no regrets because we gave this life everything we had. Let’s finish what God started in us……right to our finish line. In the meantime, let’s believe we’re here for a purpose and assignment…..and when that assignment is completed, God WILL beam us up right out of here!