Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
The pandemic has kept me from my family and friends in Tulsa. I miss them all, including my “besties”, Charles (Mick) & Sheila Michie. Usually, when I went to see them, I made sure it wasn’t on Friday mornings because that’s their day of being the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need Him so desperately as their Savior. They are passionate about their jail ministry. Before this pandemic, very little could dissuade them from their commitment to make an eternal impact on those they visit.
I remember Mick sharing with me about taking his computer in with him. He showed the inmates gorgeous videos of God’s creation — waterfalls, mountains, etc. Most of those incarcerated have never seen or even imagined such magnificence. Beauty is definitely “in the eyes of the beholder”. Those of us who have visited those places have an appreciation for that beauty, but after visiting them many times, our out-take isn’t the same as those who can only imagine the beauty.
When we speak of “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, we mean that it is a matter of our personal opinion. That is why we might see something that is so beautiful that it takes our breath away. But when we point it out to a friend, they might not appreciate it as much as we do. We can only imagine what beauty is to those who have never seen or known the beauty of God and His creation.
Can we even imagine what it must be like for a blind person who never saw color, objects, people, creation — anything – but, suddenly sees for the first time? I read a story of a young man who had only known darkness and with an innovative and life-changing surgery, he could see. He woke up and saw a young nurse who was looking after him; he thought she must be the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Then another nurse walked in asking how he feels, and he thought that she was even more beautiful. Soon he was taken outside, and he saw the trees, the flowers, the blue sky, people with smiling faces, and he felt like he had died and gone to Heaven. He even asked the nurse, “Am I in Heaven?” All had been dark, but now he could see the light and everything was so beautiful!
As I pondered about “beauty in the eyes of the beholder”, I thought about the old hymn “Amazing Grace” — how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now, I’m found, was BLIND, but now I see.” Oh, the grace that opened our eyes to the beauty of the redeeming grace of Jesus. Those prisoners, those living without hope and purpose and destiny, those who live in darkness and unbelief — but then one day — they meet Jesus and everything changes. They suddenly know beauty beyond description.
I’m still thinking about my friend’s dad who went to heaven on Thursday. If the beauty of God’s creation here on this earth is beyond compare, and coming to know the beauty of His redeeming grace – we cannot even fathom the beauty to looking on our Lord’s face and His redeeming grace for all eternity.
“As it is written: ‘What no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no human mind has conceived— that is what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9