Beauty Redefined

January 13, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

I sat behind this lovely woman at church for over 16 years. Initially, it was her thick, natural blonde, bouncy, and perfectly coiffed hair that always drew my attention. Maybe there was some unintentional longing for hair like that. It’s Friday night in Tulsa and I sit across the table from this smiling, radiant, beautiful woman with an oh-so-cute hat covering her head and an equally accessorized and matching outfit. She is adorable and she is rocking her new exterior. I realize, more than ever, this extraordinary woman is not defined by her hair or the lack of it. She is defined by the courage, faith, resilience, determination, confidence and the absolute bulldog tenacity to rock whatever challenge she faces. Like little David, the shepherd boy, who “rocked” the giant, she is “rocking” cancer. Slaying cancer!

Trina’s journey of faith began way further back than a cancer diagnosis. We were drawn together many years ago and we’ve been encouragers to each other through many of our ups and downs. It’s been one of those “God” connections when we are blessed with some friends who are for a season and then there are others who are lifers! What everyone sees on the outside – her strength and relentless will to conquer – comes from what is on the inside of her. Oh, that life was a bowl full of cherries, butterfly kisses, raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Wouldn’t that be divine? But it most certainly isn’t!

You see, none of us are immune to challenges and concerns and roller coaster rides that make us want to throw up! God, in His divine sovereignty, doesn’t want us to suffer, but, from personal experience, I assure you I am who I am today from the adversities that I’ve faced that transformed my character from a shy, wimpy, lacking confidence gal to a confident, peace-filled, and strong woman. And, with that confidence, I can share my experiences to help those around me get through theirs. I am thrilled to share my earned wisdom with others that are facing some really tough times.

If we’re children of God, He has a plan for all those roller coaster rides. Most of the time, we don’t see the big picture. We only see what’s right in front of us. Every challenge we face and every test we have to take, God is preparing us for what’s ahead. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” There is no doubt that God’s plans include rabbit trails, off-road terrain, rugged mountains, and dark valleys for different reasons. It’s a head-scratcher, for sure! But, be comforted, because He is the God of the hills and valleys and He is always there with us.

Making it through rocky places and seasons gives us the ability to comfort others because we’ve been there, done that, and many of us have the t-shirt to prove it. Trina has a friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer. She is already encouraging her with what she’s learned and, no doubt, she will be passing along her story to others to assure them, with God, we make it through – not always unscathed, and even smelling a little bit like smoke, but certainly, with a riveting and epic story of God’s amazing grace.

Thank You, Father, for never leaving or forsaking us. Help us to enjoy the hilltop blessings AND handle the rocky places and valley challenges knowing that You are with us regardless of the terrain. In Jesus’ name. Amen.