Because He Lives, We Can Face Tomorrow
One of my all-time favorite songs (not just at Easter) is Bill and Gloria Gaither’s beloved song, “Because He Lives”. Wow! Did they ever get that one right?!! Here is the chorus: “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, He holds the future. My life is worth the living, just because He lives.” What a perfect song to sing in light of these uncertain times we’re living in today!
I know those uncertain times – long before this pandemic. Ten years ago, during the Easter time of celebration, we received the call that jolted our lives. My husband’s bone biopsy results came in. “He has Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma Cancer — metastasized.” That day, our unplanned Faith Journey would begin. During that Easter season before us, we embraced the cross of our Savior who bore the stripes for our healing like never before. We were committed to trusting in God’s faithfulness. And, the prayers we prayed for God’s wisdom and guidance, as well as our family’s unwavering faith, tenacity and joy, was well intact the next 7-1/2 months until His total healing came when he graduated to heaven.
As I sing that chorus this Easter morning in my little quiet shelter-in-place, I realize that I have never sung those words with more fervor as I sing them today. Without a shadow of a doubt, ten years ago on April 5th, 2010, and TODAY, I have this strong, tenacious faith because I know our Lord has held my tomorrows in His tight grip for a very long time.
I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know WHO knows and as long as I maintain my “God perspective” on just about everything this life doles out, I know I will make it through every triumph and even what may look like a tragedy. How do I know that? It was because of what happened on Friday when our Lord died a horrific death. But TODAY, He rose from the dead. Today, we celebrate His miraculous “Comeback Story”, and BECAUSE HE LIVES, each of our days can be filled with hope.
Not only was this Christ’s greatest comeback EVER, but it can be OUR greatest COMEBACK, too! Christ’s resurrection is an opportunity to have a transformed life by accepting His love and forgiveness.” Indeed — this day represents the greatest COMEBACK for Christ AND for you and me!
I know that so many reading this blog today are wondering if life will ever get back to normal again. Maybe, it’s not normal that we need. Maybe – it’s to rise to a higher, new normal – of gratitude for the blessings in the midst of the storm. Maybe it’s to face the future with the certainty that “Because Christ lives” – we can face insurmountable situations. May we all make the decision to hold fast to His love, mercy, and infinite wisdom. May we embrace the cross and the empty tomb that guarantees victory for our todays AND tomorrows. Because He lives, we CAN face tomorrow without fear. Because we know He holds our future, life is worth living – because He lives!