Tag: Bill Gaither

It’s a Good Day!

Today is Good Friday – the day Jesus was crucified. Without this day, Christ’s death on the cross would lose its meaning. The resurrection of Jesus is the pinnacle of our faith, but the death of Jesus is what makes it all possible. Jesus never wavered in His resolve to walk the lonely, painful path…

By Donna Wuerch March 29, 2024 Off

The Divine Rearranger

You’ve probably heard about those designers that go into a home, take all the existing furnishings and décor items and simply rearrange it all and, whoa la – the overall look is more welcoming, open, spacious and less cluttered. One piece of furniture can be moved to an entirely different location and that piece suddenly…

By Donna Wuerch March 3, 2017 Off

I am a Promise. I am a Possibility.

I directed a Children’s Choir many years ago and I’ll never forget the joy of teaching them songs that not only spoke of God’s love for them, but those that caused them, when they sang the words, to be speaking great affirmations over themselves. My own two children, at ages 10 and 8, were in…

By Donna Wuerch August 25, 2016 Off

I Am A Promise and I’m Something Special

Day 277 of Photo Inspirations — I Am A Promise & I’m Something Special #TBT  When my children were little, we always had them singing  little Gospel songs that had such great messages in them. But there were none greater than two of Bill Gaither’s songs:  “I Am A Promise” and “I’m Something Special”. Both…

By Donna Wuerch October 8, 2015 Off

The Lord is My Strength AND My Song

Day 173 of Photo Inspirations – God Gave the Song This photo is of a cherished cross that my sweet niece, Cassidy Lawrence​ gave me for Mother’s Day.  It sits on the book shelf in my office. Inscribed is  “The Lord is my strength and MY SONG and has become my salvation.”  Exodus 15:2.  Indeed,…

By Donna Wuerch June 27, 2015 Off