Bless Your Heart

August 3, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’m a Southern girl — born and raised by a Southern girl. My expression of “Southern girl” isn’t exclusive to Southern girls. I’m quite sure what I learned from my Mama, is still impressive and important for all of us girls — Southern or not. Manners matter and chivalry and respect shouldn’t be dead. I love it when a man offers to put my carry on suitcase in the upper bin of the airplane for me or gives up his seat so I can sit down (or a very pregnant woman to sit down) or when one of my grandsons (or any other man) opens the car door for me. In return, those guys will know this sweet, polite Southern belle that her momma raised her to be. You’ll for sure hear me say “Bless your heart, Darlin’! Keeping my word, and you keeping your word is key and I really pay attention to honesty and integrity…..and especially kindness. I think if I had to sum it all up in one word… would be KINDNESS. Kindness goes a long way in showing the caliber of GENTLE-man that you are.

I’m sure just about everyone gets all kinds of “Friend Requests” on social media. I sure do and I really do want to welcome anyone to be my FB “friend”, because I want them to be encouraged by my positive posts that, hopefully, their day will be brighter and off to a better start when they read what I believe God directed me to post. But I have some fail-proof ways to know if those asking hold up to my measure of rule (The Southern Girl’s Rule). Before I “Accept” them as my friend, I’ll check their language and lifestyle and, above all, I’ll check their posts to see if they reflect kindness.

Yesterday, I received a Friend Request and went to the individual’s FB page and saw several hate-filled and hurtful comments. I am shocked at how mean people can be. I mean really shocked. Words so heartbreaking, they can bring tears to your eyes. I get that name-calling and blaming and judging abound from the sense of security they feel behind their computer screens and phones.

Where is the kindness? Where is the compassion? The truth is we all have stuff to deal with. We all have challenges and struggles. We all make mistakes. The fact is, we are all in the same boat. We are all on a journey that will take us through good times as well as loss and difficulties. But, where is the kindness? Where is the compassion? The truth is we all have stuff to deal with. We all have challenges and struggles. We all make mistakes. The fact is, we are all in the same boat. We are all on a journey that will take us through good times as well as loss and difficulties.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
There’s that word again: kindness. Someone may have just lost their job and they don’t know how they will pay the rent. Someone’s loved one may have just been diagnosed with cancer. Someone may have just lost a child. We don’t know. So just be kind. Be compassionate. We should be freely sharing kind words, love, and encouragement, being quick to uplift and encourage, rather than judge.

I sincerely want to be the person who encourages. I want to be acutely aware of the needs of others. I know what it is to witness so many levels of suffering that I didn’t know or even relate to before I walked alongside my sweetheart in his battle against cancer, and eventually his graduation to heaven. As I reflect back, I am reminded of kind words spoken to me and how God used them as healing ointment for my soul. I consistently clung to God for strength, but it was the encouraging words, the delicious home-cooked meals, the calls, the support and offers to help us, was like a shelter in the midst of our raging storm. Today, seven years later, those kind words still comfort me and bring me solace.

I am forever grateful for those who have spoken grace and encouragement into me. My mind is flooded with examples as I am sure you can reflect on encounters in your own life when a kind word ministered more deeply than the speaker could have ever imagined. Those kind words from others have caused me to realize that every day I have the opportunity to let kindness pour out from me. So, I end this post with my favorite Southern belle words “Bless your heart, Darlin’!”