Blondes Really Do Have More Furry Fun

March 5, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 63 of Photo Inspirations — Blondes Really Do Have Furry Fun
#TBT  I was amused at the comments on my daughter’s FB post about her and Emma having the same color of hair.  That reminded me of Staci’s Cocker Spaniel (also a blonde), Desi, that she had before she married, then on into her marriage and kids.  This photo shows the all-grown-up, blonde, Desi with her blonde family.

The story of Desi aka Desire is a sweet one.  Staci had been begging for a dog, but because of her busy schedule, her Daddy said, “When you’re on your own, you can get a dog, but not while you’re still here.”  We had had our share of pets:  dogs, cats, cattle and horses as our two kids grew up.  Now, it was NO MORE PETS!

I was Staci’s travel companion back then as she would speak and sing at meetings, churches, youth conferences, etc. all over the world.  This time, she was speaking and singing on 100 Huntley Street, a television program in Toronto, Canada.   After the show, Staci went with me to get my hair cut.  The hair stylist, Kelli, wanted to know Staci’s story and as she told it, Kelli began to cry.  Then she told her story.  It was a divine appointment as before our eyes, we saw Kelli have life transformation.  To express her gratitude, Kelli wanted to give Staci one of her adorable Cocker Spaniel puppies.  Staci was overjoyed…..BUT “Daddy said “No dogs!”  She called him with the news, and he said, “Give your Mother the phone!”  He said to me, “Donna, you’ve got to talk some sense into her.  She cannot bring a dog home.”  Staci took back the phone and said, “Daddy, I just want you to pray about it.”

We were in Toronto a few more days, and it was time to head to Michigan for meetings.  Staci made her last call for mercy to her Daddy.  He answered the phone and said, “I prayed.  And God said to me ‘Ron, I am your Father, and if I wouldn’t withhold any good thing from you, how could you withhold any good thing from your daughter?” Staci screamed and fell across the bed crying.  I didn’t know they were tears of joy, until he shared the news with me. Oh happy day!

Staci named her little puppy Desire — because God gave her “the desire of her heart” (Psalm 37:4). We brought Desi home with us and to our surprise, her Daddy had balloons and a cake waiting for us, AND a doggie door.  The cake said “Welcome Home, Desi”!  Desi became a member of the family.  She was the sweetest, gentlest God-gift to us.  She was a member of the Wallace family until she passed away five years ago.

But, Alexia’s prayers for a little dog were answered when friends gave her Emma.  Emma is such a sweet Yorkie. And, as the story went for Staci — Emma was the desire of Alexia’s heart.

And, I ask you…..What is the desire of your heart, today?  Psalm 37:4 — “Delight yourself in Him….and He will give YOU the desires of your heart!”