Even Mistakes Can Become Blessings

January 11, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch
My word for today is MISTAKE: error, slip-up, blunder, miscalculation, misunderstanding, oversight, misinterpretation, gaffe, faux pas. Goodness gracious, I didn’t realize that a mistake had so many synonyms. Now I can see how easy it is to feel so guilty from making a simple MISTAKE.

My cousin (who lives just a few blocks from me) and I had a girls’ day out in early November when we went to the Junior League of Collin County’s fundraiser, Holiday Gift Market. It sure put us in the Christmas spirit. They always have yummy food samples, and unique one-of-a-kind items from artisans selling their wares. We bought a few nominally priced items, but I kept going back to a booth that had beautiful wood crafted items with “BLESSED” on them. I couldn’t help myself, even though the item I wanted was pricier than I had planned or needed to have expensed.

That night, I had buyer’s remorse. I was going to gift it, but then I couldn’t picture it in any of the homes that I had potentially purchased it for. As silly as it was, I lost sleep over my “impulse” purchase. I put it away under a bed because I didn’t want to think about it. I just had to admit my MISTAKE and do my best to get over it. I even asked God to forgive me for being so impulsive. I never gifted it. I took down my Christmas decor and I thought, “maybe that wood décor would look good on my mantle.” And, to my joy and delight, it seemed to have been designed to go under my desert painting that reminded me of Israel. The cactus in the wood flowed right into the picture.

That’s when I could almost hear God saying “Merry Christmas, Donna!” I realized Romans 8:28 “ALL things work together for good (even MISTAKES) to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” I fretted over something so minor, yet God was so intentional in teaching me another life lesson.
It’s so easy to fixate on yesterdays and yester-years and the guilts associated with mistakes we may have made. MISTAKES can be as little as an “oopsie” or as big as a devastating catastrophe that alters the course of our lives. No matter what kind of MISTAKE we make, there is always a solution for restitution. It comes in the form of grace. God’s grace that heals and restores, and He exchanges our tarnished slate, for a fresh, clean slate so we can begin again. Oftentimes, our mistakes and failures are gifts, gems, and guideposts, so we should embrace mistakes, failures, screw ups and shortcomings because they not only make us uniquely who we are, but also teach us powerful lessons.

As God’s repentant kids, the good news about making MISTAKES, is our mistakes are forgivable. God’s amazing grace can turn any MISTAKE into something good. Again, Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” Most importantly, it reminds me that my God is bigger than my faults and weaknesses and He can turn anything around for His glory!