Fall is Almost Here!

September 14, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

Fall is Just Around the Corner
Yesterday, the cooler temperatures made for a brisk, refreshing morning walk. I had my peppy, jubilant face on and I’d exclaim to other walkers “Good morning! Isn’t this a gorgeous morning?” I sensed I was being powered by a heart of gratitude. I turned a “routine” walk into a charged-up expression of joy. I became very aware of so many reasons to be thankful.

I noticed a beautiful, stately cat sitting in a position of “king on the mountain”, observing everything like a watchman over his domain. Immediately that made me think about My Heavenly Father Who keeps a watch over me….and you. Psalm 34:15 “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry.” I breathed in that morning, crisp air. The fact is….I COULD breathe without devices to help me breathe. I was walking – that was a huge blessing, because since I broke two toes, it hurt too much to wear closed shoes. The day before yesterday, I was having an irritated, scratchy throat. Yesterday morning, the sore throat was gone. I heard dogs barking (they like to be ferocious watch dogs inside those protected fences, but I’m sure they’re all bark and no bite). The fact was, I COULD hear them barking. I saw gorgeous scenes – sunflowers galore, and a single yellow rose growing on a rose bush. I always like to think that’s my sweetheart reminding me of our forever love (yellow roses were our favorite). Most importantly, I COULD see. Psalm 107:1 says “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.”

Fall/Autumn really is my favorite time of the year. I sense, just around the corner, the leaves will begin turning into their gorgeous colors and soon we’ll be able to turn up the thermostat in our homes. We’ll start thinking about our families gathering together, and all the other beautiful symbols of this upcoming season.

The most beautiful part of this upcoming Fall season is that attitude of gratitude that comes along with it. I was lavishing in it yesterday. And that gratitude should include thanking God for the season He has us in – right now.

Every day is a gift, and whether that day includes joy, happiness, peace and comfort or whether it’s stress-filled and challenging — we know it’s a part of this season that God has us in — and in this season God is working ALL of the season for our good. Regardless of what season we are in, let’s savor everything that it holds — because THE ONE who controls the seasons, is THE ONE who will carry us through each one. So, let’s turn up the volume on gratitude. Wake up that heart of gratitude and let’s amp up our bodies, souls and spirits to the goodness of God, the blessings He’s given us and our todays and tomorrows that are in His hands. Happy Fall, Ya’ll!!!