F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real

July 6, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

That was my husband’s definition of fear. And, he was right on. How many times do we have fears that are false fears based on false information? As much as I’d like you to believe that I’m this fearless dynamo, I still have those times when fear is an unwelcomed guest in my heart. I know better than to let Mr. Fear in because I know too many scriptures where God commands (not suggests) “Do not fear”. This one is my favorite: “So DO NOT FEAR, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” {Isaiah 41:10}

During my childhood years, they called girls like me “Fraidy Cats”, and I was. I feared my home burning down because I smelled smoke coming from neighborhood chimneys. After seeing a film about “The Rapture”, I was so afraid that I would be one of those left behind, that if I called out for my mom and she didn’t answer, I panicked. F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. It was a false fear, but fear was my constant companion.

But, then one day, all those Bible stories I heard and read about, and all those “Do not fear” scriptures I thought about, clicked in me. The more of God’s commands and promises I read about, the more fear left me. I started sensing His presence wrapping me up in a “security” blanket. Many years of living and soaking up His presence has transformed a “fraidy cat” into a fearless, relentless, equipped, and on-purpose woman.

For many, many years, now, I have known those “I am with you” words to be true. I really know and sense His presence with me daily. I soak up His presence. And when I don’t sense His presence – it’s not because He’s left “the building”. I’ve left Him. I may be thinking about something that is bothering me, or I may be involved in a disagreement with someone, or I may be watching something on TV or social media that doesn’t bring joy and light into my room (my heart) and then fear sneaks in.

When we seek Him with all of our heart, we find Him, and when He’s with us, Fear finds no place in us. I wish I could say that I don’t have moments of occasional fear. You know them, too.
Times when we may have lost our keys or cell phone (if you’re like me, you’re well acquainted with that knot in your stomach when you can’t find them), or what about a huge repair bill that came in, and there just wasn’t enough in the bank or credit card to cover it? Or, even worse, maybe a negative medical report came in, that left you feeling hopeless. The easiest thing to do at any of those times is to retreat and to run away from it all to escape. I want you to know….I’ve been there. I’ve experienced those circumstances, and I know how easy it is to fall prey to FEAR! But I also know that when we move forward with undaunted faith and determination, and we face that giant of fear head-on and we aim our fear-less stone at his ugly head and declare: “I am more than a conqueror” he will FALL.

Fear must flee in God’s holy presence. And, in His holy presence is where I endeavor to stay. God doesn’t promise to make our lives easy and carefree, but He does promise to be with us every single step of the way. He is with us, dear friends. We can count on it. He will never leave us and never forsake us. He will love us through whatever circumstance or fear we face.