Freedom Isn’t Free — Thank You, Veterans, For Paying the Ultimate Price for our Freedom!

November 11, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

When I was helping my youngest grandson with his history lessons, I was getting some history lessons of my own. I recalled those lessons when I thought about this Veteran’s Day — this very important time of remembering the heroes who paid the ultimate price of their lives for our freedom. It is easy to take our nation for granted, but Veterans’ Day reminds us that freedom isn’t free. Bryson and I learned that without our soldiers’ sacrifice dating back to the American Revolution, we could still be a colony of England or, even today, could be living in a world that was dominated by nazism, communism, or radical jihadism. It’s a very big deal that we often take too lightly — especially when we see another family saying “Good-bye” to their sons and daughters who have fallen during their call-of-duty.

Those incredible Americans who served and are serving in our military on active duty or in the reserves, deserve to know that if they give their lives for our nation, we will never forget their sacrifice, as well as the sacrifices made by their spouses and children whose loved one died for our country.

President John F. Kennedy said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.’ There are few ways less noble to serve our country than through our military, whose sacrifice, courage and strength deserve our highest gratitude. I can’t imagine the bravery of those who are willing to be placed in harm’s way or dedicate their lives to protect people he/she has never met. I am not only proud, but also honored to live in a country where this kind of courage exists. Every veteran has made the ultimate commitment and has demonstrated the pinnacle of patriotism and courage. Having a day like today, seems like a mere “token” of appreciation, but we pray that veterans are appreciated, respected and given preferential treatment for their sacrifices when it comes to their well-being, their health, their financial rewards.

In return for their acts of courage and commitment, I pray, that we show up on the side of our veterans to love and appreciate their sacrifices. From the bottom of my heart, I shout “Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for believing in the stars and stripes. Thank you for standing up for us on the battlefield. Thank you for singing the “National Anthem” with your head held high, your hand saluting the flag and the freedoms that you fought so violently for. Thank you for your service to the United States of America.” I stand with you, with my hand held over my heart in allegiance to our flag, I sing loud and strong “Oh say can you see by the dawn’s early light…..” and I thank God for your great love for us all.

John 13:15 “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”