Get Close to Me!

August 6, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

When my two youngest grandsons were younger, they slept together (sometimes they still do that). I was the Nana-in-charge because Mom and Dad were away and in order to get two very frisky, full-of-life boys to power down, I had to come up with a strategic plan-of-action. Pillow fights, jumping on the bed like it was a trampoline, and incessant requests for water or some other vice they needed, paled in comparison to Nana’s “Super Brennan and Super Bryson” stories. That was my brilliant strategy – “If you don’t calm down, there will be no Super Brennan/Super Bryson story tonight.” It worked every time. I’d like to think they went right to sleep afterwards, but my Strategy #2 was to squeeze right between them in bed (great way to build a wall to keep them away from each other). Hey, President Trump, I may have a plan for you. LOL!

BTW – Super Brennan and Super Bryson stories were about two boys who had super powers because of their super backpacks that ALWAYS had the tools needed to help save the day for animals or people in distress! Bryson still asks me for one of those stories and I’ll admit, the pressure is on to come up with something new and amazing each time.

Here’s the point I’m making with today’s blog, however. With all their shenanigans, they still wanted to make room for Nana. You know that I ate it up. They wanted me close, and I wanted to be close to them!

I remember, with my own children, and all of the grandchildren, getting so close to them all when they had a bad dream, weren’t feeling well, or were just simply restless and couldn’t sleep. My presence gave them comfort.

And, like those precious little ones, I often find myself in life situations that feel like a bad dream. I might be uncomfortable or even in physical pain. Then, I recall “The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth”. Psalm 145:18. And, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. Psalm 46:1.

I’d like to tell you I ALWAYS call upon Him immediately, but I have to admit many times I settle for the tossing and turning and letting crazy thoughts bombard my peace. I know what to do. I simply need to reach out for His presence that is available to me — any time and any where. I love that my grandsons wanted me close, and even that they were willing to make room for me to do so. They’d calm down because of my presence.

And, even more so, our Lord wants us to make room for Him. James 4:8: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
Daily I’ve come to realize making room for God by welcoming Him into the moments of my day is the most important thing I can do to stay calm, peaceful and out of stress. I actually create space in my day to talk to Him and read His Word. Like with my grandchildren, I think He also strategizes to get me settled down. He continually beckons me to sit still, to move over, to listen to HIS super heroes of faith stories. I make room for more of God’s presence when I honor Him in my actions and attitudes and “move over” by submitting my will to His. And I do this because I know that God’s presence is always available to me.

When we are in His presence, we can experience joy that safety and security in Him brings. His presence helps us experience His peace, regardless of circumstances surrounding our lives. God’s presence can bring us to a place of calm, comfort, confidence and rest. We just have to scoot over and make room for Him to cozy up to us. His presence really does makes a difference.