God’s Unique and Diverse Creation

May 19, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

I live in a unique community where every home is different from the others. The exteriors are unique: brick, stone, or stucco, different paint colors, and lots of variations of floor plans. It’s not a “cookie-cutter” community where the homes are the same. Our landscaping, with various flowers, trees, bushes, plants and rock formations are different. It’s one of the reasons why we love living here.

Those of us who live here are also very different. Some still work full time, part time, or are retired. There are singles and marrieds. We come from various walks of life: attorneys, doctors, farmers, nurses, teachers, engineers, and everything in between. It’s great hearing about our diversities that we all bring to our community family table.

God, in His brilliant creative genius gave this world such beauty in diversity. He started it all at creation. Imagine a garden, filled with flowers, but every flower was the same color, same leaves, same fragrance. Just sameness. Wouldn’t that just be monotonous? But God created this world, AND mankind, that included you and me, with such splendid and spectacular diversity.

This time of year, we witness the most beautiful gardens that are blossoming with richness of diversity. Bright yellows, reds, deep purples and blues. In the same way, His kids, you and me, exemplify the beauty of diversity. We are male and female, tall and short, full bodied and slim bodied, dark skin and light skin. God’s kids are so beautifully diverse.

The amazing truth, no matter what we look like, is that we are all equally important. We need the quiet janitor who cleans the bathrooms and sweeps the floor as much as we need the leader on the stage who speaks with wisdom. We need the outgoing and confident leader as much as need the quiet introvert.

Most of all, we need each other. We need the encouragers, the givers, the servers, the teachers, those who will take charge and lead and we need those who are so willing to be followers and to be led. Just think how wonderful this world would be if we all just understood God’s unique love for His creation — diverse, yet all so loved. Maybe we should start recognizing each other as equally and uniquely important and loved by Father God. As for you and me? He wants us NOT to be different from Him. He wants us to BE LIKE HIM — spreading His love to the rest of the family.

“What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it–we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are.” – 1 John 3:1