Good Friday is GOOD

April 5, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 92 of Photo Inspirations — Good Friday is GOOD!
You know the feelings…you, or someone you love is hurting so much, or your closest family member just passed away …..and it seems everywhere you look people are just fine — they’re laughing, they’re carefree, they’re going on with their busy lives, and you think, “How could life be going on when I hurt so much?”

I’ve been there, and I know how life can go on.  It’s because of this day. This is GOOD FRIDAY — the DAY OF ALL DAYS — that should be commemorated with thanksgiving, celebrations, and everywhere we looked were crosses adorned with neon lights, and music and bands playing and choirs singing — and we’d see people paying homage and offering tributes about what this day means.

On this day, the most scandalous betrayal of justice in human history took place. Jesus wasn’t guilty of any crime or sin. After the illegal trials, this loving, giving, compassionate, caring, innocent Man was stripped and tied to a post. He was whipped and beatened — too horrible to even imagine. He was betrayed by His friends, and spit on by countless people.   He was forced to carry a wooden cross to Calvary where nails were driven through his wrists and ankles and He was left to die.   He could have called ten thousand angels to his side, but He refused. Instead, He died there for you and me.  He loved so we could LIVE!

THIS IS THE DAY Christ bore every sin we’ve ever committed, He carried every sickness we have ever had, and will have.  He gave His life so that WE WOULD LIVE FOREVER and EVER!   How could we be so distracted and be so oblivious to this DAY OF ALL DAYS?  Never again, do we wonder if we are loved.  God thought our eternal life was worth the death of His only Son.  Now that’s TRUE LOVE! GOOD FRIDAY!  Oh, happy day!  Now, let’s strike up the band and shoot off the fireworks.  This DAY is worth the grandest celebration — this day marks our FREE PASS to heaven and PEACE on this earth.