Good Thing God Never Changes…..Because I Sure Do!

July 6, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

I remember how much I wanted to gain weight when I was a teenager. I was so skinny they called me “beanpole”. I even took Raquel Welch’s recommendation and took “Wate-On” tablets (for real) because I wanted to look like my peers who had already “filled out” quite nicely (at least in my eyes, they had).” Oh, but things changed. Now I pay close attention to what I eat, how much I eat, and being sure to stay active so that I DON’T gain weight. LOL!

I remember when I oiled my body from head to toe and laid out in the sun to get a tan. Now, I wear 50+ sunblock IF I go out in the sun.

I remember wearing the highest heels. I told someone last week when I was looking for some new shoes with the very low wedge heels, “I’ve graduated from that class (she was buying some stiletto heels), now these are my new “high”!”

I’m guessing that like me, you’ve either just come out of a season of change, or are entering a season of change. And, your changes are even more monumental than the ones I mentioned. It might be your youngest child just graduated from high school. You might be moving to another state or looking for a new job. It might even be your spouse recently passed away.

Change has a way of swirling in and around our lives. Just when we willingly, or even hesitantly, make the adjustments, more changes come. And whether we like the new that’s come, or wish we could run and hide, our feelings don’t change the inevitable.

Facing another change, and handling it well, requires us to be people of great dependence in He Who changes NOT. Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I change not….”

Just maybe, times of transition are God’s way of setting us up for the opportunity to grow into WHO He WANTS us to become.

I’m learning. I can allow the pressure of transition to transform me. I can permit the rain AND the sunshine in my life to grow His fruit in me. I can daily dish out the fruit found in Galatians 5:22 “The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In the process of change, WHO are we becoming? During the planting, watering and weeding of change, if we will be faithful during each season, we’ll see beauty grow in our lives. As we lean into God, asking for strength through the peace or through the pain, He will make us into who He’s intended for us to become: We can become God’s definition of BEAUTIFUL.