Grateful to Be Changing the World

February 1, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 31 of Photo Inspirations — Grateful
Grateful is what my heart feels today as I’ve seen the dream of my precious husband come true — a dream that we prayed for every day.  The prayer went something like this “that our family be closely knit together in all areas of life”.  Before then, our children — each talented and tremendously successful in their own ways —  were going down different paths in life.  My husband, Ron, would say — “If those kids of ours would ever merge their gifts together — they could change this world.”

After he went to heaven, the next year Ryan conceived an idea that had the potential of making the difference in millions of people’s lives, and Staci and Larry came together with him and Shawntel — and since then, indeed, they are changing this world — and so is this Mama — because I locked arms with them in this amazing story of impacting this world with such good news.  We’ve been going strong for almost three years because a “God-idea” became a force to be reckoned with.

Last night, I watched my kids standing side-by-side because of an achievement that Staci made in Solavei — as the first Presidential Director, who brought in and leads a team of tens of thousands of people in Solavei — from the entire United States mainland to Puerto Rico (that, of itself, is going gangbusters).

As the first Presidential Director, Staci received a beautiful Mercedes.  It was a tremendous time of celebration and a monumental moment that showed her heart, her hard work, her ability to lead a huge team of leaders, as well as being able to celebrate the thousands and thousands who have had tremendous blessings in their lives — from getting free mobile service to those who earn thousands of dollars a month — all because we believe we are on a mission to make life better for many.
I have this family photo to show that dreams do come true — that diligence in hard work and belief in “nothing is impossible with God” combined with audacious, faith-filled prayers are answered — IN A BIG WAY!   Yes, I am so grateful!