Happy Birthday, Jesus!
It ALL happened in a moment, a most remarkable moment. God became a man! Heaven opened up and placed her most precious ONE in a human womb that brought Him to this side of heaven. Yes, so many reasons for a GINORMOUS birthday celebration today!
It’s 4 am on this Christmas morning, and I’m about to board my car to travel over the rivers and through the woods and prairies and hills to Austin. After a beautiful week with the Wallace’s, complete with Christmas baking, parties, movies, programs, shopping, a yummy meal and celebrating the night when Christ was born. We ended our night by the Wallace’s Christmas tradition of everyone opening their Christmas treasures. How blessed I am that I could be in Frisco yesterday and Austin today. BTW — I noticed Santa visited the Wallace’s last night. He left treasures in their stockings that had been hung by the chimney with care.
Maybe, this Christmas morning you’re having your traditional family breakfast and opening Santa’s presents and seeing what he left everyone in their stockings…..no longer hung with care. Now they’re on the floor, stuffed full of goodies and treasures. Santa’s cookie plate only has a few crumbs left. After all, he gets quite hungry on his exhausting journey.
Oh, the joy of hearing children’s laughter and excitement today — and the thrill of Christmas in their eyes. If your children are grown, enjoy the sweet memories of past Christmases. If you are missing children and loved ones today, then spend Christmas with God’s Son praising and thanking Him for coming to be one of us. And if your loved one is in heaven, like mine is, we can know with certainty that he or she is having the most joyful Christmas possible.
Christmas is a day and the tangible gifts we received from friends and loved ones are temporary. But the gifts that heaven brings us are eternal. Let’s spend today celebrating the fact that the baby in the manger was God’s perfect gift to us. I hope you will receive all that Jesus was born to give. May your Christmas be blessed with faith, hope and love. God’s greatest gift is love. “For God so loved you that He gave you and me His one and only son.”
May God richly bless you and those you love, on this special day.