Happy Valentine’s Day, Old AND Young Lovers!

February 14, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

My word for today is “Valentine’s Day” – a day that St. Valentine gave his life for; recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance around the world

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year because it holds one of my most precious memories. On this day, the cutest dark haired 13-year old boy named Ronnie (aka Ron) Wuerch and me, the lankiest, 12-year old girl had our very first “official” date (chauffeured by Ronnie’s dad) to a Valentine’s Banquet at my church. The photo here is that day – when Ronnie had to stand on the step above me – because I was taller than him. Oh, how I remember the butterflies in my stomach, the sweaty palms, and the pride I had in showing off my “boy friend” to my friends. At thirteen, Ronnie was already an accomplished pianist with an amazing voice. He played the piano and sang at the banquet. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world when my girl friends said, “He sings and looks just like Frankie Avalon!”

It was a complete set-up by my grandmother – of all people. She invited my family to their church where Ronnie’s dad was the pastor. Right from the start, that cute boy kept looking and smiling at me….and I smiled back. A few days later, Grandma called me: “Ronnie Wuerch says he likes you.” And, I replied, “Tell him I like him, too!” And that’s the way we began. Early on, my grandmother and our mothers knew (you know – that woman’s intuition), that we were meant to be. And we were.

This day is about lovers and I like to give credit where credit is due. This is the story of St. Valentine’s Day. Valentine was a Christian priest who lived near Rome during the time of Emperor Claudius II, a sworn enemy of the faith. In the beginning, Valentine had won the emperor’s admiration, but lost it – and his life – by trying to convert Claudius to the faith. On February 14th, 278, the emperor was so outraged by Valentine’s unwanted evangelism AND because Valentine was secretly marrying Christian couples against His edict that he had Valentine tortured and beheaded. It is said that just before Valentine was led away to his execution, he wrote a note to the blind daughter of his jailer, whose vision was restored after he prayed for her. According to legend, he signed his note, “from your Valentine.” Hence, the tradition of sending Valentine cards.

I wonder what St. Valentine would make of this day of celebrating love. Would he laugh hilariously at all the chocolate, flowers, hearts and expressions of affection that lovers share, or would he cry at all the expense without a true increase in genuine love — especially when it would be so beautiful if this day would really increase our love for each other.

Perhaps he would appreciate it all and maybe he would express his feelings by quoting St. Paul, whose wisdom he revered: “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9

Thank you, St. Valentine’s for reminding us, ABOVE ALL — to LOVE. I am celebrating love with all of you lovers out there on this beautiful Valentine’s Day. I urge you to live in the moments God has given you. Treasure your moments together. Please don’t take those moments for granted.

And for all of you…..can I gently remind you of an important truth? A truth that makes all the difference to me? If we are God’s children, we are involved in the greatest love story ever created. God created us, knows us inside and out, and loves us from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes. We can celebrate love this year just like everyone else, knowing that we have a deeper understanding than anything that’s advertised or on the shelves in a store. GOD LOVES US!

Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all my FB friends! God loves you so much AND so do I…….