He is Hovering Over Us

He is Hovering Over Us

May 14, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

While in Mexico in March, it just so happened that an elaborate Lebanese wedding on the hotel’s grounds was taking place. I found myself caught up in it all as though I were an invited guest, but no, I was actually an inquisitive spy perched high above it all on a staircase. My romance-and-fairy-tale-loving-self was enamored with it all. I watched the wedding guests, in their very glamorous formal evening wear, find their seats. I stared in wonder when each of the bridesmaids and groomsmen – to very upbeat music, literally danced down the long aisle. And then entered a most gorgeous and beautifully adorned bride sashaying down the aisle to her awaiting and beaming groom. Then the ceremony contained so many intricate, sacred, and symbolic traditions.

This couple will never forget their magical day. Really, they will never forget any of it because a drone hovered over the entire wedding from beginning to end to capture every detail of their day. “Hovering over” are words that didn’t start with me being star-struck at this wedding or the hovering drone. It started eons ago from the beginning. “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was HOVERING OVER the surface of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2)

I love the notion of being hovered-over. No, not like those “helicopter moms” who hover over their grown kids telling them what to do and how to do it. I like “hovering over” when I imagine my guardian angels hovering over me. I know they do because I can get myself into some near-disastrous situations and they save the day for me — like a couple of days ago when I was walking in a parking lot and didn’t see the speed bump. My foot hit it and I started to go down and though I say “I caught myself in time”, I really know it was my angels keeping me from a face plant!

Once again from my perch, along with the beauty of two hearts coming to together as one in a beautiful wedding, I also see all around me so much unrest, division, and chaos on so many levels. My heart breaks at the turmoil, the pain and suffering. I pray, “Dear Lord, please intervene on behalf of Your people. Peace, dear Lord, please bring peace to our world!” And, then from His perch above it all, I sense His words: “Like in the beginning when darkness covered the earth, I am hovering over this present darkness. I speak again, “Let there be light and there is light! I have called YOU to be the light to this generation. I AM hovering over you, My people, to bring new hope, spiritual power and blessings to you and those around you. I am giving YOU opportunities to go forth in supernatural power to be light-bearers and chain-breakers to set the captives free. I am with you to help you accomplish all that I have set before you to do. Identify yourself with Me and rise up in faith to receive your marching orders. Be ready. Be vigilant. Be prayerful. Be hopeful.”

Holy Spirit, hover over us and help us to embrace Your call, Your mission for us and, like little David who didn’t fear the giant, make us bold and valiant warriors for You and Your people. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.

While in Mexico in March, it just so happened that an elaborate Lebanese wedding on the hotel’s grounds was taking place. I found myself caught up in it all as though I were an invited guest, but no, I was actually an inquisitive spy perched high above it all on a staircase. My romance-and-fairy-tale-loving-self was enamored with it all. I watched the wedding guests, in their very glamorous formal evening wear, find their seats. I stared in wonder when each of the bridesmaids and groomsmen – to very upbeat music, literally danced down the long aisle. And then entered a most gorgeous and beautifully adorned bride sashaying down the aisle to her awaiting and beaming groom. Then the ceremony contained so many intricate, sacred, and symbolic traditions.

This couple will never forget their magical day. Really, they will never forget any of it because a drone hovered over the entire wedding from beginning to end to capture every detail of their day. “Hovering over” are words that didn’t start with me being star-struck at this wedding or the hovering drone. It started eons ago from the beginning. “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was HOVERING OVER the surface of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2)

I love the notion of being hovered-over. No, not like those “helicopter moms” who hover over their grown kids telling them what to do and how to do it. I like “hovering over” when I imagine my guardian angels hovering over me. I know they do because I can get myself into some near-disastrous situations and they save the day for me — like a couple of days ago when I was walking in a parking lot and didn’t see the speed bump. My foot hit it and I started to go down and though I say “I caught myself in time”, I really know it was my angels keeping me from a face plant!

I saw the beauty of two hearts coming to together as one in a beautiful wedding, but I also see all around me in our world so much unrest, division, and chaos on so many levels. My heart breaks at the turmoil, the pain and suffering. I pray, “Dear Lord, please intervene on behalf of Your people. Peace, dear Lord, please bring peace to our world!” And, then from His perch above it all, I sense His words: “Like in the beginning when darkness covered the earth, I am hovering over this present darkness. I speak again, “Let there be light and there is light! I have called YOU to be the light to this generation. I AM hovering over you, My people, to bring new hope, spiritual power and blessings to you and those around you. I am giving YOU opportunities to go forth in supernatural power to be light-bearers and chain-breakers to set the captives free. I am with you to help you accomplish all that I have set before you to do. Identify yourself with Me and rise up in faith to receive your marching orders. Be ready. Be vigilant. Be prayerful. Be hopeful.”

Holy Spirit, please hover over us and help us to embrace Your call, Your mission for us and, like the shepherd boy, David, who didn’t fear the giant, make us bold and valiant warriors for You and Your people. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.

Holy Spirit, hover over us and help us to embrace Your call, Your mission for us and, like little David who didn’t fear the giant, make us bold and valiant warriors for You and Your people. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.