History Repeats Itself!

October 14, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

Don’t you love it when history repeats itself — especially the history that was so sweet at the time, the memories that lasted and now, 40 years later, it’s coming around again? This post today was inspired by photos my son sent me with the caption, “Does this bring back memories?” Oh yes it did!

Our sweet Bryson, age 9, is starting his Cub Scout adventures. In 2015, Cub Scouting changed the advancement system to an “adventure” system. And, I love that my son, Ryan, has joined Bryson as an Assistant Webelos Troop Leader! I expect memorable days ahead for the two of them and if Bryson catches even a measure of what his Dad caught during his Cub Scouts season, his trajectory will be one where we “fasten our seatbelts and enjoy the ride!”

It was such a precious time when Ryan was a Cub Scout. I well remember watching him and his dad so on purpose with creating his Pinewood Derby car. And I also remember the Scout-a-Rama outdoor event where Scouting groups showcased their skills. It included all kinds of activities, but the one that began our son’s entrepreneurial spirit was the competition to sell the most Scout-a-Rama tickets. He was relentless to win the big prize. We lived out in the country — off the beaten path. So selling tickets had to be strategic. Yes, church and driving him to other communities to sell tickets were part of the game plan. But, Ryan, with his little sister in tow, took matters into his own hands when he would stop the cars coming down our country road and the two of them would use their cuteness appeal to sell lots of those tickets. I love to tell that story, because no doubt, that competitive spirit, quick thinking and realizing that sales can be very lucrative propelled that little guy to be the big guy today that is still relentless in his entrepreneurial endeavors. Stay tuned for the biggest one yet, soon to be launched!

No doubt Bryson will accomplish much in his future, but getting this little guy in organizations that promote leadership qualities that are so needed in our world today, is the most significant. Here’s the Scout law — a scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent — all qualities that we certainly look for in our leaders. The three promises of the Scout Oath are duty to God and country, duty to other people, and duty to self. What if we assumed THOSE duties, also?

What I hope, more than anything, is that this is another important milestone that will help Bryson become the best version of himself that he could possibly be. When we provide sources of positivity and teach our children the value of honor, integrity and good character, we can expect their trajectory to be that of strong leaders and citizens that will lead by the examples they were taught. HISTORY is already in the making!