How About a Life Changing Walk With Jesus?

April 3, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

Life-Changing: Having an effect that is strong enough to change someone’s life; having a powerful effect; compelling, game changer, unconquerable

I’ve loved seeing the Easter photos of families enjoying their Easter celebrations – their new Easter clothes, dinners and egg hunts. It was hilarious watching my 16 and 17 year old grands hunting for eggs their Mama “rabbit” hid in their back yard. Mom has to strategically identify the colors of the eggs they can find, after all — competition is ON! Blue & green were Payton’s to find and pink & yellow were Alexia’s. It worked perfectly for each to end up with the same number. LOL! That Easter fun is over, but the crux of the REAL matter of Easter celebrations is still burning in our hearts. We are still in awe of this incredible reason for our faith. Our Lord LIVES and is walking life with us daily!

Remember the two disciples who were returning home to Emmaus from Jerusalem after the crucifixion and the “supposed” resurrection of the Lord (Luke 24:13-35)? The women reported that angels at the empty tomb announced “He is alive.” But they thought those women were delusional. The reports of the empty tomb confused them, but that Sunday afternoon, Jesus met up with them. He encouraged them and explained the message of the resurrection, and reminded them of His promises to them, but they didn’t recognize Him until He went home with them and broke bread, blessed it and gave it to them. They had seen Jesus do this when he fed the five thousand and the four thousand and in the Upper Room. Their eyes opened and they recognized Him. Then He disappeared. It was then that they said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32) Their hearts burned within them when He shared scriptures with them.

That is my prayer, too — that my heart would burn within me at the reality of His unfailing Word and that I would be stirred by His presence in my life daily. Don’t you love it when you’ve read or heard a scripture many times, but then all of a sudden you hear it again, but this time it’s like a light comes on and you finally “get it” — just like those disciples realized it was Jesus with them? This time, it’s God’s perfect timing for His Word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway.” (Psalm 119:105)

Perhaps, if we continue in this magnificent truth of our Risen Lord on a daily basis, our hearts will continue to burn with faith, His love will flow from us to others who need an encounter with Him, and we just may be His hands extended to them. We are those disciples on the road to Emmaus, living our lives in the real world, walking along with Jesus who is always there with us on the road, whether we recognize Him or not. He listens to us, and understands us, because He became one of us. He gets us.

Are you confused, hurting, perplexed or need advice and wise counsel today? Maybe it’s time to go for a life-changing “Walk with Jesus” today. I promise you – He’ll be walking with you! As a matter of fact, I’ll see you later – it’s time for my walk!