I’m So Excited — Are You?
Jesus pointed out that we need to be like little children — not by being irresponsible, but of waking each day with excitement and enthusiasm about the potential that this day may hold — being filled with “I’m so excited” joy and with the expectation that “Something good is going to happen today!” I think He also meant that we should be so care-free that we are able to completely trust our Dad, as a little child trusts their Dad. He wants us to give Him our cares, wants, concerns and fears because we know He will work everything for our good.
So, then, why don’t we live with the expectation and excitement about today? After all, this could be the day of great surprises, new beginnings, open doors, good news, and many victories won — why not BELIEVE it? In the words of Napolean Hill….”Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!” Time to give some brain power to GREAT EXPECTATION that “something good is about to happen”!!!