I’m Supposed to Love My Neighbor as Myself, BUT Myself Doesn’t Have a Barking Dog!

February 27, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 56 of Photo Inspirations:  I’m Supposed to Love My Neighbor as Myself….BUT Myself Doesn’t Have a Barking Dog!

I live in the most amazing community with some delightful residents in it, except for a few cranky ones.  But, cranky, is just the nature of some folks.  

So that was my dilemma.  When wonderful new residents moved in……so did their two large dogs.  In a new community where there’s cement trucks,  contractors hammering or sawing, geese, walkers, etc.– those dogs have every excuse in the world to do what they do so naturally: BARK, BARK, BARK!  They have a dog door, so when their owners are at work, they can go in and out all day. Not wanting to be one of the CRANKY neighbors, I sucked it in.  I thanked God that I had such good ears that could hear them. I prayed. I put louder music on to drown out their incessant barking. But, I (and other neighbors) had enough.  

I spoke to their Builder and asked his advice.  He recommended that I get a device that uses ultrasonic sound to deter their barking.  It’s completely safe and detects barking up to 50 feet away.  And he told me where I could find one.  $70 later I came home with my solution for a quiet and peaceful day. Quite slyly, I sat out my little “miracle birdhouse” and it appeared to work.  The barking seemed to curb, but not for long.  I think they got wise and stayed more than 50 feet away — most of the time.

“Okay, I’ll bite the bullet and go meet with the dogs’ owners.”  And,  I did that last night.  And by the way, the dogs were NOT barking — because their masters were home. They were happy campers.  What beautiful people they are and after a little chit chat and expessing how apologetic I was to have to be there, I announced that their barking dogs were giving the neighbors a lot of grief.  I took a deep breath to hear how they took it…..and, to my absolute joy, they were so apologetic, so willing to do whatever it takes to rectify the situation.  I was told that the owner comes home at noon everyday and could let the dogs out then, instead of leaving the dog door open all day for free rein.  Whew!  Friendship salvaged.

Why did I share this story with you?  I wanted you to learn from my experience.  I could have saved $70 and a lot of frustration and lack of peace if I had only talked to them in a kind and loving way in the first place.  I didn’t want to risk a friendship — but as it turned out a friendship was strengthened because of my honesty and true desire to help the cause.  Once again, I defer to the best Role Model — Who handled difficult situations and difficult people in exemplary ways.  Our behavior toward people really does influence their behavior toward us.  It’s up to us to take the high road to convey warmth, to seek the ultimate good for others, to build up and not destroy, and to forgive.   It’s ALL about LOVE!   Love draws out the best in people and situations.  Bottom line…if love is at the core of our motives, then LOVE will conquer ALL.
#BarkingDogsMakesBarkingPeople  #LoveConquers