Intimacy “In-To-Me-See”

February 9, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

INTIMACY: close familiarity or friendship; closeness, rapport, warmth, affectionate

Those words that describe INTIMACY are from the dictionary, but I embrace this meaning: being INTIMATE means “In-to-Me-See”. It’s a blending of our heart with another’s so we can “see into” who they really are, and they can “see into” us.

Experiencing true INTIMACY begins with being connected to our own heart which is directly connected to God’s heart when we open our heart to Him. Because God made us, He intimately knows us better than anyone else can. He sees inside us and knows who we really are. Sees “into” us. For this reason, He can make us feel known in a way that no one on earth is able; and in this we can experience intimacy in an indescribable way. Intimacy with God through His Son Jesus has been the most rewarding and life-changing thing I have ever experienced.

This month of February is known as “The Love Month”. The greatest commandment is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind” (Matthew 22:37). So simple, so important, so transforming. This is the one thing God most desires. I’m so grateful that God loves us and that He keeps working on us. How DO we go from “believing in God” to REALLY falling in love with Him – being INTIMATE with Him? Since He “sees into” me and knows me – so much so that He knows the number of hairs on my head (Matthew 10:20), how much more should I crave to “see into” God’s heart and grow my heart of love for Him.

Here’s how my INTIMACY with God grows:
1) I think about Him. That’s one of the easiest things to do because everywhere we look — He is there. The more I think about Him, acknowledge His presence in my life, recognize Him in EVERYTHING — people, nature, circumstances, etc., the more deeply I fall in love with Him. I think about how amazing He is as my Creator and how selfless He is as my Savior. I contemplate how incredible it is that the God of the universe cares about me – is INTIMATE with me.

2) I tell Him I love Him and why I love Him.

3) I spend time in His presence. No INTIMATE relationship can grow without time spent together. The same is true with our relationship with God. When I determined long ago to set aside specific time with Him to pray, share, express gratitude to Him, then my love for Him started increasing.

4) I endeavor to do everything out of love for Him — from serving at my church and volunteering, to my everyday tasks and chores. When I choose to do a task out of love for God, my love for Him grows and our INTIMACY grows.

We can all work at loving God more. I know I’m still walking out my faith journey, but I’m on assignment to urge others to fall in love with God, too – to become INTIMATE with Him. It’s one of the most important trademarks of a Christian — to help others learn to love Him with all their hearts. And the best way to teach others is to model OUR love for God.

My prayer is that you will experience the joy that comes from an intimate relationship with God and that out of that love you have experienced with Him, that you will find INTIMACY with a special someone who is also in an intimate relationship with God. No doubt, with that priority — true INTIMACY will be found with each other and the load of walking this earth will become a little lighter and so much brighter.