Is THIS Magnifying Glass Big Enough?

March 15, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 72 of Photo Inspirations:  Is THIS Magnifying Glass  Big Enough?
This is a photo of the top of my grandson’s chest of drawers — an opened Bible with a jumbo magnifying glass on it, and a ship that says “With God all things are possible.”

The objects aren’t really bigger, but a magnifying glass makes things appear larger than the are.   But in this case, magnifying (focusing on and relying on) the Word of God in our lives, will cause us to dwell on the possibilities that come through trusting in God and His Word.  It will cause us to never doubt that God is BIGGER and GREATER than any of our problems.

This verse says “Oh MAGNIFY the Lord with me and let us exalt His name forever.”  Psalm 34:3 — magnifying (making larger) the goodness and greatness of God in our lives.

Just think about Mary’s plight — she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit, but who would believe THAT unbelievable story?  She could have been stoned to death for such immorality.  At least that’s what the townspeople would want to do.   She WAS pregnant and WHO would believe such a cockeyed story that she had NOT been with a man. Her repution could have been completely ruined. At the very least, her fiance could have her put away.  Mary could have MAGNIFIED her circumstances and her troubles, but instead, she MAGNIFIED Him who should be magnified during our best AND toughest times.  Mary’s words in Luke 1:46 Expressed her attitude during her worst of times: “And Mary said, My soul does MAGNIFY the Lord, and rejoices in the God of my salvation,”

We don’t need this jumbo magnifying glass to make the Word of God bigger, but if we would MAGNIFY all that is good, all the blessings, and  all that God represents in our lives……then just maybe, those impossible situations and circumstances might just shrink in size and eventually be the NOTHING that is impossible with God!