It’s Not Easy, But It Will Be Worth It

September 30, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

Nine months of pregnancy – twice – carrying and delivering my two precious babies –wasn’t EASY! Nausea, swollen feet eye twitching (yes, that one happened with both of my two darlings), lack of sleep, overall discomfort, and then the pain of the delivery……no, it wasn’t easy. But I am telling you… WAS sure worth it!

That’s what this group I’m with here at sea on this amazing Solavei cruise is saying. I’ve heard life-changing stories of what hard work, persistence and a never-giving-up attitude has brought them.

And, I’m telling you, whatever you may be facing today…it may not be easy, but if you carry that baby (your dreams and vision) to full term – never considering “aborting”, you will look back and say, “Indeed it WAS worth it ALL!”