It’s Time to Get Out From Under

It’s Time to Get Out From Under

September 6, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Ever heard someone say this? “UNDER the circumstances, I’m making it”? You’ve also probably heard someone say: “I’m UNDER so much pressure with this project”. If that’s our response, in any case, it’s time for us to get out FROM UNDER.

I loved this photo of the dog under the bed. He was probably hiding because of stormy weather or he might have been in trouble. In either case…..he was UNDER his circumstances.

In our early years of marriage, my relentless husband worked several jobs to help us make ends meet. He didn’t complain about working hard. It seemed the harder he worked, the more gratifying it was for him. I heard him often declare, “I perform better UNDER pressure.”

And pressure is what came his way. Ugh! Pressure to succeed. Pressure to look the best and be the best and achieve the most. Stress and pressure were holding his hand and they were taking him “UNDER”.

Along the way, he had an “aha” moment and realized declaring “under pressure” was adding to the “pressure”. I think one of the most significant moments in his life was that “aha” moment when he changed that thinking, talking, AND living. His new mode of operation was “low pressure — HIGH impact”.

Those of us who are people of God and know Him in a personal way, should never be declaring “I am under…..!” We should be declaring “I am ABOVE and not beneath ANYTHING!” How is that possible? Deuteronomy 28:13 tells us how!

“The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you only will be ABOVE, and you will not be UNDERNEATH….. IF YOU listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefully.” Aw! Listening and obeying God’s commandments takes us OVER life’s stuff.

THAT picture changed everything about the way my sweetheart saw himself. He no longer spoke “pressure” over himself. He started speaking freedom and overcoming pressure with common sense approach to life. He began to release the pressures that kept him “under the circumstances”.

There was a “come to Jesus” moment when we realized that the biggest house, the newest car, and the unnecessary stuff were adding to the pressure. We re-evaluated what was most important in our lives. And, when we made new and better choices – we experienced new freedom.

Jesus was victorious OVER the enemy through His death and resurrection. He was victorious OVER all the powers of darkness. Now we have the victory and the power to OVERCOME because He lives in us. We never have to be “under” anything again.

1 John 4:4 says: “Little children, you are from God and have OVERCOME them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

What pressures are you facing today? What’s keeping you up at night? “When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul,” writes the psalmist in Psalm 94:19. We all know that this life is filled with pressure. But, Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Thank You, Jesus! Because of Your sacrifice, we overcome, too!

Today, let’s give our pressures to Him. Let’s refuse to be UNDER. If need be, we re-evaluate those things that present us with added pressure. With God’s wisdom fully alive in us, I pray for a solid breakthrough to the OVER-coming life of abundance that Christ gave us when He carried the greatest pressure on the cross for us!