It’s an Upside Down World!
Day 65 of Photo Inspirations — It’s an upside down world — well, at least from this vantage point it is. It’s all about perspective. And, this world can seem quite upside down — even when we’re right side up. What happened to the good old days when we could leave our doors unlocked, where the worst thing we did in schools was chew gum, where kids played outside using their imaginations, and gas was 23 cents a gallon?
But were the good old days — really that good? For years after, a trip to the dentist was still horrifying to me. Oh the painful memories that brings back — no good anesthetic while he drilled and poked. Now, I have a dentist that is literally PAIN FREE — even getting a root canal. Were the good old days that good when tornadoes came without warning because, without technology, no one could see them building ahead of time. And were the good old days that good when it took days to communicate with a loved one because the only communication was “snail mail”. Now we can communicate instantaneously by social media and email.
In the good old days AND in the good new days, there have always been distractions that kept us from our relationship with God and the people who are right with us right now. No question, we need to keep the priorities in our lives….THE PRIORITY! But, when we get that right, technology and all that living in THIS DAY brings, is a beautiful thing. And, I get to connect with amazing people like you.
It’s truly a matter of perspective. Yes, it’s great to recall sweet memories from the past, but being alive in this day and this time, in this generation……is right when and where God planned for us to be. We are here ON PURPOSE and if we embrace the opportunities, the technologies, the possibilities and the experiences of THESE GOOD NEW DAYS, that will be the BEST DAYS of our lives. Let’s live RIGHT SIDE UP — realizing we’re right where we’re supposed to be. Let’s make the most of being here……right here, TODAY, and live each day believing that TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!