I’ve Got Friends in High Places

August 24, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

Garth Brooks sold a lot of records with his song, “I’ve Got Friends in Low Places….where the whiskey drowns, and the beer chases my blues away and I’ll be okay.” Seriously??

Goodness gracious – doesn’t that just make you want to go hang out with those friends? NOT! I started thinking about the “low life” and “low places” yesterday morning and what it must be like to chum with those folks. I’m quite sure we’d be joining pitiful, whiny, bitter, down and out, and the-world-is-going-to-hell-in-a-hand-basket kinds of people. “No, thanks, Garth! I won’t be going there to find my friends!” Why go there, when we can go hang out with friends in HIGH Places and eliminate the blues altogether?

Even though Jesus spent His entire ministry with people in “low places”, He didn’t go to their “low places” of darkness and defeat. He didn’t share their “low life” so they could feel better. Jesus came down to their low place in order to lift them up into a life they could be proud of — one in high places.

I’ve stayed home in Frisco this entire month of August on purpose. After all my traveling since moving here in April, it was time to integrate into some groups and activities, as well as step up to be part of ministry opportunities and outreach at my church. I want to hang out in “high places”. On Monday of this week, I went to play pickle ball (great sport) and met some fun, new people. There was one gal that stood out. She was as spunky and full of life as I am – even more so. We didn’t get to talk much but we did agree to play more pickle ball together in the future.

On Tuesday of this week, I attended a meeting for raising up disciples of Christ at my church. I’ve agreed to be a sponsor for new believers coming into the faith. So I sat at a table of 10 which every other seat was filled with a sponsor or inquirer/seeker. I looked across the table and there sitting across from me was this woman who I had just met at pickle ball the day before. How awesome was that? Not only was she a fellow pickle ball player, but she was a fellow sister in Christ. We marveled that God would bring the two of us together, particularly in this massive church of over 35,000 members. Don’t you love how God sets us up for friendships in “high places”, if we’re looking for them? She called me yesterday morning and we talked about our individual lives and how we make every effort to hang out with people in “high places”. She told me she changed her whole way of thinking about and living for God when her husband had two very scary bouts with cancer. I told her my story and how much I want this part of my life to be the best days of my life. I want to live strong for Christ and take lots of people with me when it’s my time to go from here to up there. She replied “Amen and amen. I want that too!” We want to introduce folks living in low places to our best friend, in high places.

God — the Almighty One, the Creator of this glorious universe —
actually wants to be our friend! Jesus welcomed us to this privileged level of relationship when He said to His disciples on the night before He died, “I no longer call you servants . . . I have called you friends.” John 15:15

As His friends, we are welcomed to enjoy open conversation with Him and to be privy to insider information. “Everything,” Jesus says, “that I have learned from the Father I have made known to you.” John 8:38. It would be thrilling enough to be servants of God, participating in His work, but Jesus adds an entirely new dimension by saying that as friends He will tell us everything we need to know about God’s will and His ways for our lives.

What a stunning thing it is that Jesus says to us: “Let’s be friends”! And like good friends, He wants to talk and walk with us. Here’s our choices: hanging out with worry, anxiety, sadness and fear in low places OR making the right choices and living a life of joy, peace, and love in HIGH PLACES. I pray “Take me to higher and higher places!”