Just How Big is God?

Just How Big is God?

March 3, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch

He’s big enough to rule the entire universe, yet small enough to live within my heart. You ask me how I know He lives and is in control – because He lives within my heart!

Such simple yet such powerful words! God’s “bigness” happens to be the defining legacy of my mom. In every single thing that happened in her life, she saw the hand of God and took the time to say, “How BIG is God!” She said it over and over again. NEVER was there a question mark at the end. It was always an exclamation point!

When my mom exclaimed, “How big is God!,” she wasn’t referring to human standards of size and measurement. There is nothing that can even begin to compare to the vastness of God! She was referring to the same big God Who also knows every single hair on our heads.

Not a sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing. So of course He is involved and orchestrating the details of our lives. Not a single thing happens that takes Him by surprise.

But when we only want to attribute God’s bigness to the big things in our lives, we are attributing all of the other small things to chance or coincidence. Our Great Creator does not leave the small events in our lives up to happen chance.

Once that takes root in our hearts, we, too, like my mom, will begin to say with boldness: “How big is God!”…even about the smallest of details that seemingly wouldn’t matter to a God who has billions of requests every day.

THE GOD of the universe is our loving Father. He knows us by name. Maybe it’s time for you to become acquainted with YOUR indescribable, all powerful, unchangeable — AMAZING God…for yourself. His ginormous arms are outstretched to you.

And speaking of outstretched arms and proof of His great love….. He loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son to become one of us, to die for us…..so that we will live with Him – up close and personal – from here to eternity! Now, THAT is what I call BIG!

How big is God? How big and wide His vast domain.
To try to tell, these lips can only start.
He’s big enough to rule this mighty universe!
Yet small enough to live within my heart!