June 28, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 175 of Photo Inspirations — JUST LOVE
My grandfather was an “Old Time Gospel” Baptist Preacher. He could preach “hail, fire and brimstone” with the best of them. And, my precious polar-opposite grandmother would temper his words by saying, “JUST LOVE”.

God is LOVE!  The greatest example of that LOVE was Jesus Christ. The woman caught in the act of adultery — He loved her to repentence; Zacchaeus, the Tax Collector — He loved him to salvation; the Naughty Samaritan Woman at the well — He loved her to her becoming an Evangelist; Saul of Tarsus, who persecuted thousands of Christians — He loved him to becoming an Evangelist and the writer of 2/3’s of the New Testament.

During the Vietnam War, Mother Teresa was asked, “Will you march with us in protest of the war?” She calmly replied, “No, but when you have a march for peace, I’ll be there.”   I love that.

It’s a complete drain of energy to be against something — but to be FOR something actually increases our enthusiasm and energy. Let’s be FOR peace, harmony, justice and every good thing. We don’t try to get rid of the cold in our house; we simply turn on the heat. We can’t fight the darkness that may fill a room; we just turn on the light.

How can we LOVE when there is so much wrong in the world?   Grace.  God treats us — not with what we deserve,  but He treats us with loving-kindness and mercy.  GOD IS LOVE — and that means He is good to those who deserve it as well as to those who don’t deserve it. His love embraces saints AND sinners. Doesn’t it make sense that our love for others should be marked by the same kindness and mercy that God has given us?

How can we possibly love those who are just plain evil? With the response that He had for Saul and Zaccheas and the thief on the cross. “WITH GOD, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.  In our own strength, it will be impossible, but in His strength and in His love, our hurts, fears and prejudices can be conquered.  Only the cross of Jesus Christ can free us from the cruelty of malice, hatred, revenge, and resentment.  His cross give us the courage to return evil with good.

We have a choice. To be a protester or a peacemaker; to be a hater or a lover; to be angry or joyful; to be a finger pointer or a forgiver.

“Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.”  Romans 12:21
In the words of my sweet grandmother…..”JUST LOVE!”