Kanye’s Thirst Was Quenched

Kanye’s Thirst Was Quenched

November 20, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’ve been following the faith journey of Kanye West. I watched him respond to Joel Osteen’s questions at Houston’s Lakewood Church last Sunday morning before his Sunday night’s free, 3-hour gospel concert. Kanye’s responses to Joel’s questions, his lifestyle change, and the concert depict a very changed man. He is consistently giving testimony to his new life in Christ. He told ABC News “People are giving their life to God, He’s using me to point to Him. More are going to Him since I’ve been here — more people from my generation and the next and the next generation. So it’s working.” Thanks be to God!

A few days ago, Franklin Graham said: “Kanye is doing what he believes, even if there are skeptics and even though it goes against the liberal beliefs of most in the entertainment industry. Pray for Kanye. There will be many temptations.The devil will try to discourage, distract, and even destroy him. Pray that he will keep his eyes focused on Jesus, and that God would guide and protect him. God bless you, Kanye. We’re praying for you.”

Thanks, Franklin, for your heart for the lost…..and the found. You remind me of what a devoted follower of Christ looks like. Honestly, I didn’t pay too much attention to Kanye’s life, his lifestyle, his wife (Kim Kardashian), his rap music AND neither did I EVER pray for him! I just didn’t give him the time of day in my thoughts. I assumed he was a lost soul with morals and beliefs that were so far removed from being one of God’s children whose life could be redeemed and make it count for God. Shame on me. I should have been praying and believing for a miracle turnaround in his life.

It is the same with others who seem too far gone to ever see them changed. Why haven’t I prayed for those in the entertainment industry, in politics, in sports, those with high profiles who could have an “amazing grace” turnaround in their lives? We keep trying to convince others of what morality looks like, what the dignity of life looks like, what faith looks like, what being in “God’s camp” looks like, instead of displaying what God’s redeeming grace looks like. Dear Lord, I ask for your forgiveness. Instead of turning my back on those who don’t know you and who seem to be acting on behalf of the enemy of our souls, help me, by your grace and mercy, to have a tender heart to pray and believe for their souls.

In the Bible, is the story of a Samaritan woman at the well who had “issues”, too. She was thirsty and didn’t even know why. God placed the desire for something more in every one us. Until we meet Jesus, we fumble about trying to quench the God-given thirst with anything and anyone who offers temporary relief. But it’s just that … temporary. Jesus explained, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:13-14). This woman became so radical in her new faith, that she ran to town to tell everyone about her encounter. “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.” (John 4:39) I like to think that is what Kanye is doing too, and that is what we should be doing as well.

It is only in a relationship with Jesus that we discover what we’re all truly longing for. Jesus offers us what He offered her – what He offered Kanye – what He offers you and me: freely flowing, refreshing water from the indwelling Holy Spirit Who quenches every thirst, washes away every sin and flows into every nook and cranny of our beings. How can we keep it to ourselves?

The first photo here is of a cherished figurine of Jesus and the woman at the well, along with a water pot that signifies that I need to return to the well daily to fill up with His Living Water. Today, I’m honored to sit by the well and not only draw water for myself, but to pray for you and others who are thirsty and don’t even realize it yet. I pray today for us to be bearers of the water we drink and the water that we give to others through our prayers and belief that WHOEVER comes to this Living Water will never thirst again.

“Jesus said, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’” John 7:37-38