Tag: Franklin Graham

Kanye’s Thirst Was Quenched

I’ve been following the faith journey of Kanye West. I watched him respond to Joel Osteen’s questions at Houston’s Lakewood Church last Sunday morning before his Sunday night’s free, 3-hour gospel concert. Kanye’s responses to Joel’s questions, his lifestyle change, and the concert depict a very changed man. He is consistently giving testimony to his…

By Donna Wuerch November 20, 2019 Off

It is Well

I woke with fresh optimism about what this day would hold for me. Is it because we have a new president and because we hope and pray that he will make positive, healthy, morally, and Biblically sound decisions that will unify and protect our country, turn our hearts to God, and “make us great again”?…

By Donna Wuerch January 21, 2017 Off