Lessons from a Pumpkin Patch

Lessons from a Pumpkin Patch

November 12, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

I just heard the K-Love DJ talking about the pumpkin his little guy picked out at the pumpkin patch. It seems that pumpkin patches price their pumpkins by the pound and this little guy picked out a pumpkin that cost the DJ dad $62. He didn’t have the heart to get a smaller pumpkin, so he paid the price!

I read about a mom who took her young son to the pumpkin patch where he traipsed through the pumpkin field in search of the perfect pumpkin. He moved up and down the rows of tangled vines and inspected the bulging orange fruit.

The mom made it clear that only one pumpkin would go home with them. The little guy wiggled them and slapped them, sniffed them and studied them. Finally, he gave a Goliath-sized pumpkin a gentle kick and stared at his mom with an expectant grin. “I want this one, Mom!”

The sign posted at the pumpkin field said: “Weigh it, then pay it!” The mom took one look at “Goliath”. She knew she didn’t have enough money to pay for her son’s pumpkin of choice.

Before she could voice her objection, an overall-clad farmer sauntered over. To the boy he said: “I’ll give you that pumpkin for free if you can carry it!” The little guy wrapped his arms around the pumpkin’s massive middle and tried to lift it out of the dirt. He grunted and heaved, but that pumpkin wouldn’t budge.

Finally, the preschooler plopped on the ground. No tears or tantrums, just an honest admission: “I’m not strong enough to carry it, but my daddy’s really strong!”

As I read that story, I realized that the little guy didn’t get stuck in what he couldn’t do. Instead, he had a solution to his dilemma – his dad could handle it!

I share that story with you and me in mind. How many times do we throw in the towel because we can’t do something – when we have a Father (God) Who is always there to handle it for us.

God doesn’t expect us to stir up our own strength or multiply our own might. He doesn’t command us to conquer our challenges alone or give up when we face our giants. He invites us to seek Him in our weakness.

Philippians 4:13 says it clearly: “I CAN DO ALL things through Christ Who gives me strength.” And, “our might comes from our Maker.” (Psalm 24:8)

And, from a cold, damp, uncomfortable prison cell, the Apostle Paul echoes the same words: “I am at peace and even take pleasure in any weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and afflictions for the sake of the Anointed because when I am at my weakest, He makes me strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Isn’t it good to know that our weaknesses can set the stage for God’s strength? Like the little pumpkin-picker boy, we should become less focused on what we can’t do and more convinced of what God can do. Then we would realize that our weaknesses aren’t fatal when we have a Daddy who’s faithful … and really, really strong.

Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, brothers and sisters, draw your strength and might from God.”

Couldn’t resist bringing out some of the family pumpkin patch photos of my “littles”! Thanks for indulging me!