Let’s Be Salt Sprinklers — NOT Salt Dousers

February 28, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

While at my Austin family’s home, twice, I intended to use this salt shaker to just sprinkle a little salt on the food, but twice the side which pours salt out, was open and twice — the food was doused with salt!

We’ve heard the expression “That Rick is the “salt of the earth”. What they were saying is Rick is reliable, dependable, trustworthy, honest and caring. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told His followers, who were mainly fishermen and other simple people, “You are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13. And God tells us that, too! Paul the Apostle described it like this: “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” – Colossians 4:6

What this scripture is saying — when we share our faith with others, it’s like seasoning with salt. If we sprinkle a little salt on our food, it adds to the flavor of the food and it makes the food taste good. We really appreciate that. But if we pour salt on our food, it’s hard to swallow, difficult to digest, and most certainly not good for the heart.

So, what does the world think when we season our conversation with too much talk about church and God, and we never talk about things we might have in common with them? They just don’t get us, and we don’t relate to them. But what if we talked a little about sports, and a little about the weather, and a little about our family, and their family, and a little about the every day concerns that we all have……and, then when the right opportunity comes, we can sprinkle in a word about God’s goodness, and how He answered a prayer or a special blessing we received and that He was the giver of the gift, or we mention an insight we gained from a sermon we heard? Or better yet, what if we went out of our way to share God’s love with them in a tangible way, like taking them for dinner or offering to take care of their kids for them while that sweet couple gets to enjoy a date night? Their curiosity just may be aroused, and, then, just maybe the flavor of OUR salt sprinkles may cause a thirst for what we have? We can be the salt they need for zest and flavor in their life.

Let’s be salt shakers that consistently sprinkle God’s love wherever we go. Our flavoring just might be the difference maker in what and WHO they need!