Let’s Swim Out to our Ship!

May 8, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

Sometimes we look at others, and see their successes, and we might think, “Why not me?” ********* And there are other times, we wish we could be bold enough to step out in faith — even be somewhat of a “Risk Taker”, regardless of what the outcome might be. ********* BUT, then, there are those defining moments when, with all out abandonment, we muster up every ounce of confidence and boldness and bulldog tenacity that we possibly can…..and we take that audacious leap of faith — that step forward or that “swim” of a lifetime!
And, regardless of the outcome, we GO FOR IT!

Let’s go for it TODAY!! Who knows? Our ship just might be anchored in the harbor, and it’s ready for us to board!