Let’s Talk about Partying
“Hear ye! Hear ye!” We’ve come a long way, Baby! Rather, I’ve come a long way, Baby! I’m letting the world know tomorrow is my birthday via an extremely sophisticated means – my computer and the internet.
Back in the day, way before newspapers and radios, there were town criers. They made public announcements, shouted out news items, and read proclamations. Today, all it takes is a phone call, an email or text message to give a “Happy Birthday” greeting to someone.
This year is a milestone birthday for me, but I’d like to think that this day and all the rest of the days I have on this earth are milestone DAYS! We made it through each day, and thanks be to God, He has a reason for each one.
There have been many changes in this world since my grand debut on this earth! I remember when there were “party lines” for telephone usage. Several users shared the same line. I remember picking up the phone and hearing a conversation going on. We had to wait our turn to use the line.
I also remember a shelf in our hallway where a rotary phone would reside. And we had an extra-long cord that enabled us to walk into the kitchen while talking on it.
I remember the humongous mobile phone in our car. Now, I have the newest iPhone which has the 3-lens camera AND it provides for facial recognition when I log into it.
Oh, and then there are watches with phone capability! WHAT? In my lifetime, the innovation in our world is mind boggling. I think about the ability to stay home and have a doctor’s appointment via using my computer and visiting with my doctor on-screen.

There are way too many inventions and innovations to speak of since my debut on this earth. Suffice it to say, we are so blessed to live in these times. But, still there is nothing that compares to the Word of God that has never changed. It is as relevant today as it was when the Holy Spirit inspired the authors to write it.
Because God’s Word is so relevant today, we have answers for every challenge we face. It is our code of conduct for being blessed beyond measure. It is the foundation for which I have lived this long life that causes me to wake up each day with a spring in my step and a song in my heart.
And the good news is this – you and I are not mere earthlings; we are Children of God who align our lives with the Creator of the universe and living a life He can bless.
That’s why, I am ever so thankful for another year to praise and thank God for the good times of more blessings than I could have ever imagined. I also thank Him for the not-so-good times that caused me to cleave to Him.
All of it – the old and long-gone “party lines” to the “party” we can have each day as we become all God created ME and YOU to be. That is truly a party worth celebrating!