Like Father…..Like Sons & Daughters

October 6, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

That 3-1/2 to 4 hours between Frisco, TX and Tulsa, OK gives me plenty of time to think about subject matter for my FB posts. This trip back to Tulsa didn’t disappoint. As I gazed at the beautiful blue skies with puffy white clouds, the trees, and pastures abundant with cattle — I thought “Father God — You are such an awesome Creator!” And, I thought about His magnificent genius in creating you and me — IN HIS IMAGE (Genesis 1:26)! Now that’s something to think about! I don’t think that scripture means “look like Him” as much as “act like Him”. We should bear the family resemblance.

In Genesis we read that God spoke things into being. He said, “Let there be light” and there was light. He said let there be skies and earth and stars and moon and there were skies and earth and stars and moon. By what He said, things were created.

So, doesn’t it make sense that if we’re made in his image and He created with words, we are creators with our words also? Proverbs 18:21 says that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” The example I thought of was a young woman we knew, who was so near and dear to us. She grew up with people telling her she was stupid, that she’d never amount to anything, that she was lazy, and a hopeless case. That resonated within her for years and years. Those people were creators. They created a world of pain, hurt, disappointment, inferiority and rejection in this young woman, but all was not lost. One day, she came into our lives. Immediately we began to create beauty and life as God would. We started speaking into her “You are beautiful, you are worthwhile, you are smart, you are funny, you are valuable, you are precious, you are packed with potential and accomplishment. The more we spoke into her, the more she started believing and becoming all that….and more.

Everyday we have the opportunity to not only CREATE beauty in others by the way we speak to them, but we have the opportunity to CREATE environments conducive to turning darkness to light, animosity to tenderness and kindness, hatred to love and sadness to joy! So, CREATORS!!! Let’s CREATE!!! Let’s get our “creative” juices flowing and start creating beauty and life with OUR words AND actions! Wouldn’t it be great if we could look at OUR creations, and, like God, say, “It is very good!” (Genesis 1:31)