Listen to the Frogs and Smell the Roses

Listen to the Frogs and Smell the Roses

April 5, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

My inspiration for today’s blog came from a young mother of four and her FB post. These were her words that captioned this first precious photo so beautifully: “When I’m really trying to get a workout in (aka, not stopping every 2 minutes), I’m reminded to slow down when my daughter wants to listen to the frogs. I know one day she won’t ask to go with me, so for today, I’ll slow down and listen to frogs.”

This is the stuff that brings us to a place of gratitude and embracing the gift of this moment in this day!
How’s that for a wake-up call? How’s that for conceding to cherishing the most precious moments that will never pass our way again? This sweet mama understands how important it is to slow down and listen to the frogs AND smell the roses.

This second photo are my daughter’s two children at four and three. I loved the photographer’s idea of letting Payton offer his sister a rose. A rare, tender love moment between two young, rambunctious siblings. Today at twenty-one and twenty, this love is even stronger.

I’ve had my own “listening to frogs” and “smelling the roses” here on Epiphany Ranch the last few days. No traffic noises, planes flying overhead, and other city sound effects. It’s a place of serenity and beauty… of course I took time to immerse myself in just BEING. Being still enough (when we weren’t working on getting Larry and Staci moved in) to appreciate God’s creation.

I was all packed up and ready to return to Austin. I calculated the time length of my drive. I thought: “If I leave now, I’ll make it back in time to take my car to a car wash and get all the sand off of it.” But, then my granddaughter called. She was on her way to the ranch and pleaded with me to stay another day. I did. I wanted to hear some frogs croaking and smell some roses.

It was worth it. She drove me around on the 4-wheeler. We played with the baby chickens (20 of them). We watched Jeopardy and tried to see how many answers we knew. We made nachos together. I stopped, looked and listened to my precious girl. I savored our moments together. I like to think that she’ll remember these moments far into the future when I’m long gone to heaven.

As I type this blog today, my thoughts turned to how Mary, the Mother of our Lord, must have slowed down to prioritize her time with her boy! She was probably overcome with the responsibility of raising this boy. After all, he was no ordinary boy. He was the Son of God. No doubt, she poured time into Him while being a devoted wife to her husband and his carpentry business, but I like to think that she savored the moments when her boy was a little guy, too!

She probably remembered how He played in the water when she heard Him saying “I am the water that when you drink of it, you will never be thirsty again.” (John 4:14) She watched Him playing with His friends and when one of His pals fell, I’m sure she noticed Him lovingly care for him. I’m sure she lived in the moments when she saw Him caring for and playing with animals. Can you imagine that she was thinking “He created them”?

I started out speaking about a young mom who is keeping her priorities in order. And, how important it is to “stop and smell the roses”. I’m desiring to keep mine in order too — watching for God’s favors and signs along the way! I want to recognize God in my children, my grandchildren, and the frogs and flowers along the way. There will be plenty of time for making up the time on everything else!