Living With Expectancy

February 8, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

My friend and I were talking yesterday about the choices we make every day. It starts the minute we wake up. We can hit the alarm over and over again and wish for a day of just sleeping. Or, we can CHOOSE to wake with great EXPECTANCY of what this day can hold in special favors, little kisses from heaven – like green lights, a great parking place, a sale on the item we’re getting ready to buy (yesterday, it was a sale on grapes and clementines) – and even greater EXPECTANCY that a miracle we’ve been hoping for – shows up!

EXPECTANCY — the state of thinking or hoping that something, especially pleasant, will happen; anticipation, excitement.

My dear husband spoke often about HOPE which he defined as “The great expectation that something good is about to happen.” Those folks who say “Don’t get your hope up”, have it all wrong – getting our hope UP is EXPECTING something good is coming our way.

Maybe this post should also include the word, CHOOSE, because every day we choose to be joyful or sorrowful; to EXPECT good things coming our way or CHOOSE to dwell on the negative circumstances of our lives and when we do….you better believe – we’ll get more of what we’re EXPECTING. “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all!” Really? Is that really the EXPECTATION that we want to put out there? No, thank you! I choose daily to “Expect a Miracle”! Maybe those are three words we need to write on little sticky notes and place them all over our homes – so that we are in the attitude of expectancy. Just think about that EXPECTANT mom-to-be. I assure you, she is definitely living in the attitude of expectancy. But, why not us? Every day holds the possibility of a miracle and so why shouldn’t we expect it in our lives?

Years ago, my husband and I were going through one of the toughest seasons of our lives and our daughter placed sticky notes on our bathroom mirrors, on the refrigerator door, the coffee pot, our computers, doors, our Bibles, the treadmill, and many other places with the words “Expect a Miracle” on them. And, the more we saw those words — the more we believed in the possibility of the miracle we needed. Those words were imprinted on our hearts and our minds and our lips. We didn’t let our words or actions go rogue, because that could have aborted our miracle. Besides, we had planted tons of seeds in our church, in ministries, in charities, in good works and good deeds. So we sure didn’t want our harvest to be stolen by negative attitudes, speaking and thinking. We put a guard up against negativity and doubt. Before long, we DID receive the miracle we needed and it came in such an amazing, over-the-top way!

That’s what I believe for you today — that you begin to live in EXPECTANCY for good things and even miracles coming your way in the form of brilliant ideas, witty inventions, right people, right places, right timing in your life. Let’s start picturing in our minds what that “baby” is going to look like — that job, that financial breakthrough, that healing, that relationship restoration, that promotion, that brainwave idea that makes a total difference in our lives! “Nothing is impossible with God” — so live with GREAT EXPECTATIONS!

Psalm 77:14 “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people”.