Magic is Still in the Air

December 29, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

It’s a “Silent Night”, here in Washington, as the children are nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugar plums (or at least the last piece of Jesus’ birthday cake they ate tonight) is dancing in their heads.

But before now, it was a full, busy day!  Baseball practice, buying some things with  “Christmas cash”, seeing the movie “Night at the Museum 2” (cute movie), exchanging one Hot Wheel set for this one — yes, it was a work-out for Nana to get it put together but I conquered.  And then the boys had to test drive each of their many hot wheels in the turbo-fast electric shoot.  They give me so much entertainment!

And while we were out and about today, we noticed that the Christmas cleanup has already begun — well, with the exception of Santa’s sleigh here at the mall — seems he left it behind unitl next year.  ðŸ˜‰  Yes, the lights, decorations and trees will all come down in the next few days.  Presents of miss-sized clothing will be exchanged. Christmas candy, decorations, toys and other items are on sale for at least half-price. Life will be normal again very soon.

“Normal” often means that the magic of the season will begin to fade. But for the moment, the magic is still in the air. I sense it. Maybe that’s why I’m still awake. I want to savor the spirit just a bit more.  I love the peace and quiet as I am sitting by this beautiful Christmas tree here — no longer with presents surrounding it — only twinkling lights that still represent the LIGHT of this season.  I pray that those who beheld that LIGHT last week will still be looking to Him next July. And I can’t help but think: if we could give Him so much thought and homage during December, how much more would we live in the spirit of Christmas, if we thought of Him every day?

It’s true…..WISE men and WOMEN still seek Him.
#WiseMenStillSeekHim #ChristmasEveryDay