Make a Better World — It Starts With You and Me

October 22, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

The Pessimist moans, “I could make a better world than this.”

The Optimist sings, “Go for it !!! That’s what God put you here for!”

Indeed we can make this world a better place by taking on an attitude of “I’m here — not to just take up space, but God placed me here on this earth, at this time, to make a difference in our world.”

No, we can’t do everything, but we can do SOMETHING: volunteering for, or giving to a local charity, taking food to someone home bound, being attentive to our environment, putting a grocery cart back in its space, picking trash up off the road, taking clothes to the Goodwill or Salvation Army, giving away clothes that you haven’t worn in years, taking a friend to a doctor appointment or grocery shopping, holding the hand of a friend when their loved one is ill or close to leaving this world, , giving a smile and a word of encouragement to someone that needs that love today.

Did I give enough examples that you’re motivated to do something? GREAT! That’s what we want to do — to inspire, encourage, motivate those around us to help make our world a better place — and IT STARTS WITH YOU AND ME!